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So this is actually a story I did as an English assignment but I'm just changing some of the names to be an NCIS fanfiction because I feel like it would be fun lmao!

(Kind of Dinozzo x Mcgee)

Triggers - Depressed Dinozzo, Suicide


Dinozzo was ready to end it all. The gun was already pressed against his head with a bullet ready and waiting. All he needed to do now was pull the trigger, and then all of his problems would disappear. Dinozzo had felt like he was drowning for awhile now, like he couldn't swim back to the surface, like everything he had worked for was gone. Dinozzo had realized he was in love with his sworn enemy. A young NCIS agent named Timothy McGee. Dinozzo hated these emotions, hated admitting that he had them, but he was also a human being. He couldn't help that his brain decided to work like that, so when he realised that he was in love with Mcgee and he couldn't live with it. He was someone who he had hurt a long time ago, someone who he should hate, someone who was the closest thing to friend Dinozzo had ever had. And for some unknown reason which he really  couldn't seem to understand, instead of feeling hatred towards Mcgee, all Dinozzo felt towards him was love and compassion. Which had made Dinozzo angry with himself. Why did it have to be him? Why couldn't it have been someone else? Maybe someone from his town that he had known for years? Or even someone he had never met before? He hated this so, so, so much. Only after going over all of this in his head did Jeffrey notice that his hands had begun to shake, realising because he could feel the gun gently vibrate against head, the metal of the barrel making his temple start to become cold. 

It had only been minutes after the call from Mcgee, who had informed Dinozzo that he would soon be arriving at his home. Exactly 2 minutes and 32 seconds ago, but who's counting. He knew that it took exactly 8 minutes and 2 seconds for Mcgee to drive to his home without traffic, with traffic it would take 10 minutes and 57 seconds. Jeffrey had known that in just a little while the love of his life would burst in through the door. And before he shot himself, Jeffrey wanted to see Mcgee one more time. Just one more time. Then he would do it. He would pull that trigger and pray he was going to die from the shot that would inevitably echo through the house for the whole neighbourhood to hear. It was all he wanted- no, craved. 

Dinozzo had started to hyperventilate, his breathing had become erratic at just the thought of what Mcgee would do when he arrived, so many different ideas rushing through his head all at once. It hurt, the emotions were too much for him to bear any longer. Dinozzo fell to the floor on his knees, the gun still pressed shakily against his temple as tears began to rush down his face. And as if on cue it had started to rain which had really set the dejected mood 
for the house. It was then that Dinozzo had realized that he had no one, no one and nothing. He knew that now even Mcgee didn't care about him, not after what he had done. The one person he had and trusted. And now he was all alone. Just Dinozzo, his thoughts and the gun that was still pressed against his head.

After a few seconds of Dinozzo kneeling on the old wooden floor of his living room with tears still rolling down his now flushed face, his knees had begun to hurt from kneeling for so long. While trying to calm down he had spotted the headlights of Mcgee pick up truck, which had pulled into his driveway only seconds ago. This made Dinozzo stand up and take a very deep breath in, slowly exhaling it out, as he tried to calm his breathing down enough for saying goodbye to Mcgee. The only person who he had truly ever cared about, and who- he had hoped- truly cared about him too. 

Dinozzo saw the door handle begin to move, staring at the door in anticipation. He had to calm down before he saw Mcgee for the last time, butterflies seemed to have been swarming in his stomach. With one final deep breath the door opened and there stood the love of his life. The only person he had ever loved. As Dinozzo watched Mcgee stand there, it made him smile slightly, making it feel like the entire world had disappeared, like it was just him and Mcgee alone, forever.

Just a few more seconds and he could pull that silver trigger. All of his problems would be over soon. Everything would be better this way. Everyone would be better off without him. Just one more thing to do now. Say goodbye.  “Goodbye my love” Dinozzo whispered before pulling the trigger. 

There was a loud shot ringing out for a few seconds, but then it all went silent. For a whole minute there was no sound. No speaking or birds chirping, just silence. Nothing. Just total and complete radio silence. And after a couple more minutes of this complete silence, Mcgee had gotten his phone out to call someone as he stared at the dead body that was now sprawled on the floor, a pool of blood below Dinozzo's head with drips of the red liquid slowly adding to the puddle. The person he called had now picked up, whoever it was asking what was wrong, but he didn't answer. After a few more seconds of staring at the body, Mcgee spoke to whoever was on the phone. Just using six singular words.

“We got the killer, He's dead” 

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