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You get hurt at school trying to help someone get away from a bully and McGee gets worried (kid)

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You get hurt at school trying to help someone get away from a bully and McGee gets worried (kid).

Showing up bloody and bruised at your father's work usually made him worry. Not that you had done this much- maybe once or twice before- but not /that/ often. Still, it was enough to worry McGee, and you couldn't really blame him. If your 14 year old kid just showed up with bloody knuckles and a scratched up face wouldn't you be worried? As soon as he spotted you walking in he rushed over, frowning as he looked you over slightly. "What happened? Again?- I mean, this is the third time in 4 months! What is going on?" He rambled, making you laugh slightly, just shrugging and walking over to his desk. "I am fine, just a few scrapes and bruises, nothing I can't deal with. Any lead on that case your working on? You said something about a suspect this morning, did Grandad Gibbs rough him up?" You asked, smiling widely as you looked at McGee. He slowly sat back down at his desk and grabbed the med kit that he kept in his desk, for occasions like this. "Just- Tell me what is happening at school keep avoiding the question, do I have to get Gibbs?" He asked and started to clean your scraped knuckles and face, making you wince. "Shit- that hurts.." You mutter and look away. "I uh- there is this bully....and they keep hurting this little girl that's only 8! She can't even stand up for herself, so I help her out....your not mad..right?" You rambled slightly, looking back at McGee, hopeful that he wouldn't get upset at you. "Oh, really? That's it? Have you told any teachers?..." he asked gently and finished cleaning you up, then bandaged your knuckles. "Oh! Yeah, noone does anything...apparently there is no proof, even thought they have cameras everywhere...and that he is only getting g away with it because he is the principals kid!" You said and sighed. "You aren't mad?" You asked, looking away. "What? Of course I'm not mad, I mean- not at you anyway...just at the school- I will send them an email about it, or I will let gibbs have a word.. " McGee said and laughed slightly, pulling you into a hug. "Just try and not let him hit back next time, okay?" He said and you laughed slightly, hugging back and nodding. "Okay, thanks...I love you.." you whisperd and sighed, smiling softly. "I love you too.." he whisperd back and pulled away. "Now, I have some time, want to go get some pizza and let me catch you up on the case? I know you like to try and peice things together.." McGee said making you smile widely and nod.

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