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First Kiss

Gibbs - It was kind of unexpected. You two had been dating for a week and a half and you were just sat talking to each other in his basement and then it just kind of......happened. You were laughing at something he said, and he just walked over and kissed you. On the lips. You were shocked but after he pulled away you pulled him back and kissed him back.

McGee - It was your 17th date in 3 weeks and he was walking you home while you were rambling about video games to him, smiling happily as you talked and when you got to the door he kissed you gently on the lips, smiled and left, leaving you stood there shocked in the pouring rain for 10 minutes.

Dinozzo - It took Dinozzo 1 month to kiss you, so nervous he would mess everything up, but he kissed you after you had solved the case. You two had just caught the bad guy and Dinozzo pulled you into a quick but passionate kiss.

Palmer - 3 months. You had been dating 3 months and you still had not kissed. But you didn't mind, you knew he was nervous with stuff like this so one night when it was just you and him in autopsy he went to kiss you but pulled away and started rambling sorry and you just laughed then kisses him. It just him up.

Abby - Abby kissed you the 2nd day of dating. She is a very touchy person so you two had already hugged and cuddle and held hands all day so when you walked in to work that morning she walked over and kissed you on the lips before starting to ramble on about what she found in the evidence.

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