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HOW YOU MEET AND GET ADOPTED [please do not take offence, I am autistic, and this is how I would react in situations]

Gibbs - (You Have Autism)

You had to be at History now. You NEEDED to be there but instead you were in a dark, small interrogation room. You did not like change in routine. It was annoying. It was more than annoying. It was frustrating. But you had to sit in the room because the Agents at NCIS were investigating the murder of your mother, a marine. Special Agent McGee had put you in the room and it had been exactly 37 minutes and 24 seconds since you got in the room. You had originally sat at the chair, but you did not like how it felt so instead you opted to curl up in the corner of the room and wait. And you did. You waited for another 32 minutes and nothing. You did not like this. So, you closed your eyes and started to recite all the bones in the body in alphabetical order. You were fascinated by the body so reciting bones helped you calm down. Halfway through you heard the door open and a man holding a coffee walked in. He came and sat down next to you. You stayed quiet and continued to recite the bones. "You know, I think Doctor Mallard and Mr Palmer would like you" The man said and sipped his coffee as you looked at him. He looked nice enough. "Can you please let me go back to my house and do my History? I have to do it" You said fidgeting with your fingers. You knew you could not, but you just wanted to go back to normal. well, as normal as you could. "You know I can't do that" He said and took another big swig of his coffee. You nodded and took a deep breath. "I-I know" You whispered as you start to recite bones again. "How about you come and meet Doctor Mallard and Mr Palmer with me, they work in Autopsy, Oh! And I am Special Agents Gibbs, but you can just call me Gibbs, What's your name?" The man, now known as Gibbs, asked. "You know my name, it's in the file, and why would I want to meet them? People think I am weird. I am sure they will too" You told Gibbs as he stood up and held out his hand. "None of us think your weird, and I'm positive they will enjoy your company" Gibbs said, and you got up, staying away from the Agent. "Fine" You murmurer and walked into the elevator with Gibbs. Once down there you were fascinated by Ducky's story's and found Palmer cool! You did not leave Gibbs side and you found him kind and trustworthy. When it became dark out Gibbs had told you that you would spend the night at his and you agreed. "Thank you" You whispered to him as you helped him sand his boat. "For what?" He asked and looked over at you. "You are kind and don't think I am weird" You said and continued to work on his boat. A month later you were living there and loving it.

McGee - (You have a Stutter)

You had witnessed a kidnapping of a navy officer and you had to give a statement. But you were scared because of your stutter. You had your stutter since you were able to speak and it made you insecure to speak. You would have been out with your mum, but she had abandoned you at 7 and died when you were 8 so you had no-one and were homeless. And when the agent came over you started to fidget with your hands. "Hello, I'm Special Agent McGee, you can call me McGee, what's your name?" McGee asked as you took a deep breath. "I uh- I don't real-really remeb-remeber" you said and looked around nervously. "You don't remember? Are you injured?" McGee asked gently as you shook your head. "I-I'm home-homeless. Mother dead. Do-don't remeb-remeber name" you rambled fast as you looked at the other. "Oh, okay, well let's get you back to the office" McGee said and held out his hand for you to take. You looked at the man nervously before nodding and taking his hand. He looked kind and did not seem scary. The other agents did though. "So, as I said, I'm Special Agent McGee, Timothy McGee is my actual name and you can call me McGee or Him or Timothy, doesn't matter much to me" He rambled on as you walked and you smiled slightly. He was genuinely nice. He told you all about his character in World of Warcraft and how he helped some crimes. And he left you walk with him to take everyone else's statements. And you stayed next to him holding his hand. "She-She was ly-lying" you whispers to him as three other agents walked over. "McGee, who is this?" The Older Agent asked. "Oh, boss, this is......well we don't know there name yet but there homeless and they know what happens, and apparently they know the last women I took a statement from was lying" He said and the older Agent nodded. "Well, take her back to the office with you, Dinozzo, Ziva, you go look, see if you can find the bullet and I am going to get coffee" The boss guy said and walked off, the other two, now known as Dinozzo and Ziva, nodded and walked off. "That's Gibbs, he is my boss, that's Dinozzo and Ziva, they are my colleges" he explained and looked at you. "How do you know that women are lying?" He asked. "O-Oh, she-she look-looked down and t-to the left, A t-tale tale sig-sign if someone ly-lying" you explained and squeezed McGee's hand slightly. You hated new people and Gibbs, Dinozzo and Ziva looked scary. "Ahh, so you think she lied about where she was? Interesting" he said to himself and lead you to the car. "Okay, once we get back we will go down to the lab, with Abby, she will love you, and get your fingerprints done, then we will go and get burgers" he said smiling as you and him got in the car. Three hours later, you had found out your name, met Abby, Palmer, Ducky and officially met Gibbs, Dinozzo and Ziva. They were all genuinely nice, Gibbs gave you some paper and pens to draw on and Dinozzo bought you a chocolate bar! And now, you were sat at McGee's desk, your old tatters clothes in the bin and you were wearing one of the NCIS Hoodies. Which was huge on you, but you like it. You sat at McGee's desk writing out coding things which you did when bored. You had always loved computers and coding so when you were in school you would research all stuff to do with it and you got really good at coding, but when you were homeless you couldn't exactly code. You had the clothes on your back and that was it. You had been scribbling codes on the price of paper for about an hour and McGee came back, but you had not noticed, and looked over your shoulder at the paper. "Wow, you know how to code?" He asked sounding surprised. "O-oh, y-yeah, do-do you wan-want me to mo-move? Cau-cause I can" you said quickly and stood up, holding the piece of paper. "No, no it's fine, I'm just surprised you know how to code like that, it's awesome, I couldn't code like that till a year ago and you can already do it, it's very cool" McGee said smiling at you, and you smiled back lightly. "I-I should-should probably go-to now, it was-was nice meeting you-your guys though, I-I need to g-go now" you said and looked at the others. Before you could move Gibbs shook his head and looked at you and McGee. "McGee, look after he at your house" he said, and McGee just nodded. "R-rea-really it's fi-fine" you protested but no-one took it to heart. So, at the end of the day McGee took you to his house. And he sat at his typewriter typing away as you sat at his computer and coded some stuff so his Warcraft would runway better. "T-Thank you" you whispered as you looked at the other. McGee stopped typing and looked over at you. "Why? You don't need to thank me; I didn't do anything" he said and went to turn back around. "Y-You save-saved me" you said and looked at him. "I-I wouldn't of-of survived muc-much longer out-out there and Y-You saved me" You whispers and looked away. McGee smiled slightly and got up, walking over to you, and hugged you gently. "Its fine, you don't have to thank me" he said and glanced at his computer. "What you are doing on there?" He asked. "O-oh! Iv-I've coded it so-so your com-computer will run 10-100% smoother and fast-faster" you said smiling. After two days you were adopted by McGee and you liked it. He was a great dad and you loved your new family. Especially Dinozzo! He would let you help him play Tetris on his computer.

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