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Gibbs, you are 7. - It was sudden. Very, very sudden. You had decided to go out for lunch with the gang (McGee, Abby, Tony, Ziva, Ducky, Jimmy and your dad of course) because you all had the day off. You were taking a break off school and everyone else thought that you guys should all go out for the day, a family vacation if you will. So you did, and it was great! You had gotten your favourite dessert after lunch and then all of you went to the park as you had brought your frisbee and had bet McGee and Tony $10 that you could catch it 10 times with out failing once. Once at the park you played for about 2 hours then wanted to go home. So while everyone packed up and got ready to head home your dad and uncle mcgee saw a man with a gun aprouch. So, Gibbs, hid you behind his back, protectingly. "What do you want?" Tony asked as everyone (but ducky and jimmy) got there guns out, ready to shook if anything happened. You were scared. Very scared. You were 7. Of course you would be scared. "Okay, Y/N, I need you to slowly, very very slowly okay?" He said quietly and you nodded. You turned around to face the car and saw ducky and jimmy there so you started, slowly, walking to the car. In this time Gibbs had moved alittle closer to the guy and stepped to the side, leaving you visible to the guy with the gun. "What do you want?" Gibbs asked. "You took my kid away from me, so I'm taking yours from you!" He yelled smirking and shot you in the back of the head. You didn't feel anything, no pain, nothing. Which in the long run Gibbs was greatful for. As everyone watched you get shot it was like time froze. Everyone felt and saw different things. McGee and Tony both felt like shit. (There dating) they had lost there little niece. You would help them prank eachother and you even helped Tony propose to McGee! But without you it Ducky and Jimmy suffered much the same. You would often go down to autopsy and talk to Ducky and Jimmy, you loved listening to Duckys story's. Ziva and Abby were trying there best to hide there emotions, but it wasn't working. The were just quiet. You would love to stay at Abby's House and have sleep overs. And Ziva was like your big sister! You like her little sibling! But now you were gone. And they all felt these emotions during the 7 seconds that bullet took to hit your head. It only took 7 seconds for everyone's life's to change. It took 2 extra seconds for Gibbs reflexes to kick in and he shot the guy 7 times in the chest before running over and hugging your dead body. He knew you were dead but he hoped, that maybe, just for a split second, you would magically wake up and be alive and okay. Of course though, that never happens.

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