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So, i kinda have writers block and it has taken me like a week to write this so i would really appreciate requests and ideas!! Oneshots or prefrences!!))


Gibbs - It was a shock to everyone. There was a terrorist attack on the NCIS building and it just so happened you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Gibbs had sent you and McGee down to Autopsy to wait for Ducky and Jimmy as they were running alittle late. You and McGee were talking about Video Games like usual. "Nope, i still think that Minecraft is the best builder game" "Yeah but what about roblox?". So, there you two were stood in Autopsy when all of a sudden you hear a countdown. So, instinctivley you quickly tackle McGee to the ground and cover him. "What the he-" But before he could finish the sentence the bomb had gone off already. McGee was knocked unconious as some debri had hit his head and you had been launched on the other side of the room and somehow been impaled with a huge metal pole and it had gone right through the middle of your stomach and up to your chest. You were still concious and you saw Gibbs run in and rush over too you. "Shit baby- just- stay awake okay?" You nodded weakly and looked his hand in yours, smiling. "I-I love you" you said gently and then you fell uncioncious. Not unconious. You were dead. And Gibbs cried. He cried and cried and everyone else did too. McGee always blamed himself. He blamed himself because he didn't hear the ticking and if he did then you two could be got out of there. And Gibbs just went back to his old ways, never showing emotion, yelling, all of it and every night he look to your side of the bed and whisper, "I love you too" before he slept.

Mcgee - To be honest, you weren't that scared. You knew it was going to happen. Sooner or later your job would affect you in a bad bad way and it would hurt everyone you cares about. But you hasn't thought it would happen so soon. It was worse because of how it happened. You see, you and McGee had been dating for a year now and it was going amazing! You two had moved in together and it was great and he was everything you ever wanted. And one day you two were both on a date, just after work, and this guy comes up to you with a gun and suddenly you are being dragged away while McGee yells after you and true to run after the car. The next time you wake up there is a guy in a mask and a camera filming you. Telling you everyone can see you. It was SCARY but you were more worried about McGee. And what you knew that McGee was watching. No matter what Gibbs or Dinozzo did he would stay there ignoring the tears running down his face. "You, my baby, will be so pretty once I open you up for everyone to see" they guy taunted as he brought a huge silver knife to your throat. "M-McGee look away n-n-now okay? I love you- I live you so much okay?" You said as you looked into the camera. "Look away please baby". Mcgee couldn't help but sob as he watched you get cut open and scream in pain as the life slowly drained out from you. And that's how McGee ended up killing the guy who did it. And he admits that, even after that, he couldn't help but feel so lonely without your smile, without you to wake up too. And McGee was never the same. He never played video games anymore, never watched star wars, never ate at your guys favourite restaurant and never even so much as glanced at your desk because he knew if he did he would finally break.

Dinozzo - He blamed himself. It was his fault, to him atleast. He was the one driving. He was the one that got distracted. He was the one that drove the car off the road and into a ditch, flipping the car upside down. He killed you. Not with a gun or weapon but driving you to meet his parents after dating for 1 year. But nope. You made it half way then Dinozzo got distracted somehow and ended up guiding the car into a ditch and flipping it over, and your airbag failed, making your head smash into the roof of the car with so much impact you were killed instantly. Leaving Dinozzo in a car with your lifeless body for over 30 minutes. He lay there next to your body screaming for you too wake up. For you to just somehow miraculously recover in an instant and that your head wasn't bashed in so much you could see the brain. But none of that came true. Instead Dinozzo was found hugging your now cold body. Gibbs was the only one who could get him away from you.

Palmer - You had felt ill for a few weeks so you had gone to the doctor. Explained how your chest had been very sore and it was slightly hard to breath and he requested an x-ray just to make sure it wasn't anything bad. And you smiled, nodded, then followed the doctor and had the x-ray done. It took 30 minutes for him to come back to you and tell you the bad news. The news that you dreaded. The news that you knew Jimmy would be devasted by. So you went home and didn't say anything. You just acted normal and then, a week later, when you got worse and your hair began to fall out you had to be hospitalized and that's when you told Jimmy. You explained how you had Lung Cancer and how you were terrified of how he would react because there was nothing anyone could do about it. As you waited for him to yell or leave he gently held your hand and told you that "no matter what, I will be here forever, I'm not leaving you, especially now" and that made you smile. After a few months you were still in the hospital and you knew you weren't going to make it much longer. The cancer was aggressive and no matter how much chemo or medication they gave you it wouldn't make a difference. So, when the day came, you could feel it. You just knew. So you had Jimmy there and just cuddle with him watching your favourite film together. As you started to feel sleep Jimmy looked at you and kissed you gently with tears in his eyes. "Hey baby, just go to sleep okay? I love you so so so much" he whispers as you smiled, kissed his cheek and whispers back "I love you so much Jimmy Palmer, never forget that" and with that you fall asleep never waking up again. Jimmy never forgot you and how much you two loved eachother. He visited your grave everyday without fail and when he finally passed away at the age of 93 his last words were "I'm coming, see you soon baby".

Abby - You had been standing right next to Tony when he blew the powder everywhere. You and him were taken down to ducky and tested and everyone else was in the clear but you and him had to go to the hospital for quarantine as you two were skin on skin contact with it. You knew Abby was already freaking out so you made Gibbs promise to get her to be busy with something and keep her full of caf-pow and once you were there and clean tell her to come visit. The thing is, after you and Tony's results came back you weren't allowed to leave but Tony was. He was clean and he felt guilty. So so guilty. And he drove to get Abby because the doctors could tell you wouldn't make it. Luckily, Abby or anyone else couldn't catch the plague so she could come in and hug you. And once you saw her through the glass, threw all your coughing you smiled lightly at her and waved. She smiled back through tears and walked in and over to you. Abby hugged you tightly. "Don't die, please" she said and you hugged back. "I'm sorry baby, it's not looking good, but I promise, no matter what, I will come back and be in your lab as a ghost, I will also haunt McGee when he is annoying" you said laughing and coughing harshly. She laughed slightly and kissed your cheek. And you went, peacefully in your sleep. Abby promised herself she wouldn't drown in her sorrows, instead she would do everything you wanted too and she always felt like you were with her, no matter what.

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