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They comfort you

Gibbs - It had just gotten too much for you to handle. The guy killed himself and it reminded you of your brother. That is how you ended up hiding in the bathroom. And you heard Gibbs ask if you were okay through the door and you just sobbed in response. "Baby, open the door" he said gently and you open the door, letting the other sit next to you and pill him into his chest as you cried. "It's okay, it's all okay baby" he kept repeating. "What's wrong?" Gibbs asked and that is when you started rambling. "My brother killed himself and I guess when I watched the guy kill himself all the memory came back and I panicked, I'm sorry-" but before you could finished Gibbs kissed your lips gently and rubbed your back. "Want to go home and cuddle?" He asked smiling as you kissed. So, the rest of your night was spent cuddling on the couch while watching old films.

McGee - The call had come as a shock to you. It was from your mom, someone who you had not talked to in years, so you knew something bad had happened. Your mom just said, "your sister is dead, don't come to the funeral" and then she hung up, leaving you stood there with tears running down your face. McGee had just gotten in from work and you had been stood, in the spot as earlier, with tears rushing down your face. "Hey, Hey, what's wrong?" McGee asked quietly and hugged you gently as he rubbed your back soothingly. You just broke down crying in his arms. Soon, you were able to form some words and muttered out "My sister, she died in a car accident, my mom called, said I couldn't go to the funeral" was all you managed to say before you burst back into tears once again. McGee just stood there hugging you for a while before he picked you up and played you in your bed, covering you with a blanket. He left the room for a minute but soon came back with chocolate, ice cream and a hot chocolate. He knew it wouldn't fix it, but he hoped it cheered you up a little, and it did. McGee was there and he cared and that was all you asked of him.

Dinozzo - To be honest, you always knew your best friend would be killed because of something stupid, and when you said stupid you meant sky diving or being eaten by a shark. You didn't mean getting murdered because their boyfriend was in the mafia. No. But here you were, standing over there dead body, gun wounds everywhere and blood covering the ones happy yellow walls that now had an unnatural orange tint to them. When you had gotten there you hadn't been told who it was, you were told it was a female navy officer, when you arrive you were met by your best friend, now dead. You had tears in your eyes, but you didn't say anything, just went about your work, keeping the tears to a minimum. Once Gibbs was far enough away Dinozzo walked over and asked if you were okay. As he was your boyfriend, he knew you were best friends with the victim and he was worried. You just nodded and stayed quiet the rest of the day and once you got home you two just cuddled up on the couch and soon fell asleep. He knew you were suffering, and you were, you had just lost your best friend, but he helped and it worked.

Palmer - It was a huge surprise to everyone. Your mom had been diagnosed with cancer but it seemed like she would make it, you hadn't seen her in a few weeks so decided that you would introduce your boyfriend, Jimmy Palmer, to your mother. You have always been close to her, your dad leaving when you were 8 gave you major trust issues and for years the only people you trusted were your brother and mother. Until you met Jimmy, he was always so sweet and would never hurt a fly, that is one of the hundred reasons you loved him. So, you told him that you two would see your mother on the Tuesday night so you could leave early the Wednesday morning, that was until the Wednesday morning. just when you were about to leave you got a call from your brother. "Hey! Me and Jimmy were about to leave to come see you and mom-" you started but your brother stopped you. "Hey, mom- she uh- she died. this morning" He said quietly and you dropped the phone and started to cry. Jim rushed in and instantly started to make sure you were okay. "Hey baby, what's wrong? are you hurt?" He sled and hugged you. "my mom, she's dead" you whispered as you started to cry once more. Jim just nodded and kissed your forehead gently as he led you to the couch. he lay down and pulled you onto his chest and you just lay there, crying, as he ran his hand through your hair.

Abby - Today wasn't your day. You had spilt coffee on your lap, then knocked Abby's caf-pow over, then tripped and cut your lip open and now you were dealing with having to sit through your ex yelling at you through your phone, which was not a very pleasant experience. She was saying how you were such a bastard for moving on and dating someone else, how she still loved you and the break up was all your fault and that she was depressed because you had left her. None of this was true and you knew that but you couldn't help but sit and wonder if it was all your fault and that Abby deserved better. she soon stopped those thoughts though because, without even knowing she did, cause all it took was her to come up behind you and hug you tight for you to feel much better. You did still tell Gibbs about it the and he sorted your ex out.

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