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Because I am kind have another one uwu


Gibbs - Being Gibbs kid defiantly had its advantages, like getting to go to his work with him. You loved it there and would enjoy getting to hang out with your aunts and uncles. And Grandpa Ducky of course. Sadly though, Gibbs would not let you go to a crime scene yet, but you did not mind. You liked helping you Grandpa Ducky and Uncle Jimmy down in autopsy. You always felt bad for the person who you were performing the autopsy on, but you knew that you need to to get to the killer. And you have always been fascinated by the human body, so it was okay. And, your favourite part of the day was when you got to go for lunch with Grandpa Ducky and Uncle Jimmy. You always went to the same place and you got a Burger, Jimmy got a wrap and Ducky got a salad. And on your way back to the office you would always get your dad a coffee.

Dinozzo - Being a Dinozzo was awesome. Especially when your dad let you go on cases with him. You did have to stay with him or Uncle Gibbs or Aunt Bishop, but you did not mind. You did not like how McGee treated your dad though. For some reason McGee did not like you and he was not hugely popular of your dad either. Which always confused you because your dad is a bad ass, but life went on. And hey, you helped the team figure out cases, so it was fine. But your favourite thing was when you would go home, and your dad would tell you cool stories of how he caught bad guys and such. You always looked up to you dad, ever since you were a little baby and he loved you with all his heart. You were the only family he had left so he would stop at nothing to protect his baby.

McGee - Being McGee's kid you were fascinated with computers and hacking. Always. You played video games since you were 4 and could hack into any laptop when you were 6 so it was not surprising when you would get asked to help on cases and stuff. Whether it was helping your Aunt Abby hack something or help your Grandpa Gibbs use a computer, you loved it. And McGee was immensely proud of you. He loved how smart you were and was so proud that you could do so much at such a young age. You also enjoyed playing video games together when you could and after a long stressful week at the weekends it was fun to just sit and play games with your dad. He may not have planned to have a kid at 21 but he was so glad he did because he loved you so much. You are his world.

Jimmy - It is ironic really. Your dad works in autopsy and you have a deadly fear of it. But he was understanding. It was kind of scary as the first thing you remember was looking at a dead body. Yep, Jimmy had to go in to work and you were 3, no nanny or babysitter so you ended up having to go with him. You did not mind because you could sit and talk to Aunt Abby or go and play games in your Uncle Dinozzo computer, but you refused to go into autopsy since that day. But Jimmy did not mind one bit. He was glad you did not like it because he felt like it would be wrong to let your own kid watch you cut someone up. So instead, you went to Abby's lab and helped her run Fingerprints and Blood. You rather enjoyed it in her lab as she always played cool music and would paint your nails black.

Abby - Unlike your mom, you did not really like lab work or autopsy or murders. So, instead you would go and sit at her desk and play Tetris or draw. Your loved playing Guitar and Art so Abby and Grandad Gibbs converted half of her office into a little studio you could practise guitar or draw at. You loved to sit there for hours and hours just drawing and singing songs for your mom and uncles/aunts.

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