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(Btw there is 2300 words-)

They help you with your testosterone shot, and I know some of them are kinda the same but I tried my best to come up with different ones lmao also, waring, there is NEEDLES and mentions of SHOTS and SCARS, so don't read if that is not a thing you wanna read //I will post one basically the exact same but for estrogen shots :) (Your Dating)

Gibbs - (so proud of this one lmao- its 100% the best one-) It was always abit of a hassle for you when you had to do your T shot, it always made you panic a little just because of the whole needle thing, and the face it made you feel a little weak in front if Gibbs. He was usually there to make you feel better and to help you push your worrys away, but he was working late and you had to do your shot before you went to bed (Don't think that's how a shot works but let's just imagine it does-), so you went into the bathroom and took a deep breath to prepare yourself. "Okay, Come on, you can do this, you can do it with Gibbs, you can do it without him" You mumbled to yourself, hoping to boost your confidence, but it didn't really do anything. Still, you sat down on the toilet and pulled your trousers (pants if you live in America I guess) and cleaned the area you were about to stick the needle into. You took another deep breath and looked at the needle, then quickly started to panic. You knew you couldn't do this with him. You knew you were too weak. And now you were panicking, alot, and you were all alone. You curled up on top of the toilet and started to hyperventalate, tears running down your flushed cheeks. You stayed like this for a few minutes before you heard the front door open and footsteps coming up the stairs. You knew it was Gibbs, which kind of scared you. What if he thought you were weak? "Baby, I'm home!!" He yelled out, and knocked on the bathroom door. "You doing your shot?" He asked and gently peeked his head around the door, quickly rushing in and kneeling in front of you when he realised you were upset. "Hey, hey, come in, it's okay, what's wrong? Talk to me baby, come on, breath okay?" Gibbs asked, rubbing your back gently. You sniffled, more tears rushing down your face. "I-I-I'm sorry- I'm so weak-" You whisperd, looking away. Gibbs quickly shook his head and hugged you gently. "Baby, no. You are not weak. I promise, okay? I know you shots can be scary but just because your scared of needles doesn't mean your weak, okay?, ya know, I was scared of needles when I was younger, and once you get over it you'll be fine. And if you dont get over it, you'll still be fine. I promise! Okay? Do you want me to help you? I can do it for you or I can be here when you do it, yeah?" Gibbs said, rambling slightly, trying to help/distract you slightly. You nodded, the distraction and slight confidence boost from the speech making you feel a bit better, and you smiled gently at him. You wiped the tears away and took a deep breath. "I-I can do it, just- You stay here, please?" You whisperd, shakily grabbing the T shot. Gibbs nodded and sat down on the edge of the bathtub. "Yep, I'll be right here the whole time. Just breath okay? You'll be fine, I promise." He said softly, gently rubbing your back. You nodded at his words and took another deep breath, then quickly stuck the needle in your thigh and injected the testosterone, pulling the needle out and chucking it in the sink. "I-I did it...." You whisperd, smiling slightly to yourself, then looked over at Gibbs. "I knew you could do it baby, I told you didnt I?" Gibbs said and smiled widely, hugging you gently. You laughed and hugged him back, smiling widely as you did. "I did it!" You said again, happy that you managed to do it yourself.

McGee - (this one is shit sorry-) You had finally gotten T and you were so excited! But still, even as an adult, you were scared of needles. So it was also a little bit scary to start T, but you knew McGee would help you through it. And when it came to your first shot you instantly went to him. "Hey, I'm now your busy with paper work but can you help me with my shot?" You asked nervously, not looking up at him, instead your gaze fixed to the floor. "Of course baby! Go sit in the bathroom for a second and I'll be there! Just gotta do something!" McGee said and gave a wide smile. You looked up at him and smiled slightly, nodded. You walked to the bathroom and sat on the counter, swinging your legs nervously as you waited. Luckily McGee came quickly (don't be dirty minded-) and handed you a stuffed toy of a lion. "Here, I thought he could help you feel better when you have your shots- I know it's kind if stupid but I remember when we when to the zoo you loved the lion so I though you would like it! I mean if not that's fine I can take it back-" he rambled nervously. You smiled at the teddy and looked up at McGee. "I love him, thank you!" You said happily and kissed his cheek. "Really? I'm so happy you like him!" Mcgee said, grabbing the shot. "So, tell me about the latest office drama baby! I wanna hear everything!" He said with a small laugh. You giggled and nodded, starting to rambled on about how Janice didn't invite Megan to the baby shower because Megan's daughter had broken up with Janice's Nephew, and before you could finish you saw McGee put something in the bin. "What was that?" You asked curiously. "Just you shot, I did it while you were rambling, I know you hate needles" He said and kissed your cheek. "Continue with your story!" McGee said and smiled. You blushed and smiled slightly. "Thanks....and yeah! So Megan started to pull Janice's hair, and guess what!? It was a wig! She is bald! Janice is 43 and she went bald!"

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