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So I'm bored and I had no idea but wanted to upload something so if it seems really fucking random that is why lmao XD pretty much the ruf idea is mcgee and jimmy have been dating for about 2 or 3 years and mcgee is trying to propose to him and yeah. that is kinda it lmao. enjoy. It is shorter but you know. Life is like that sometimes.



hey, life is.......crazy, and weird, and stupid, and i hate it sometimes. but life sucks a lot less when ever I'm with you.

"Come on Tim, really? That's what your writing. Stupid" McGee said to himself as he whipped the piece of paper of the type writer and crumpled it into a all, then proceeded to chuck it onto a pile with all the other ones.

McGee had a dilemma you see, he was trying to propose to jimmy, who he had been dating for 3 years and it was proving harder than he had thought. a lot harder. he couldn't figure out the right words and usually he would be able to write down all his feelings easily, it was normally so simple, but with this, with jimmy, McGee always found it was hard. always. he couldn't express his feelings in words for jimmy. he could explain how he hated the task of coffee because the brown sludge didn't seem drinkable as it smelt like tar and tasted so bitter it could make you sick. he could explain how the stars shone brightly in the sky even if they were millions of miles away. he could explain how someone was brutally murdered but he couldn't explain his love for jimmy in words and it frustrated him.

Dear Jimmy, it has taken over 50 times to try and write this letter to you and I have figured out why. You see, I'm a writer, at least I like to think I am, and while I do write there are only a few things I can not fully describe in words. Such as how your eyes light up the moment I mention kids or animals, or when you wear your cute black suit, or how when you get put of the shower how amazing you somehow look, or how much I love you. And I have come to a conclusion, that conclusion is that I can not describe you with enough words to do you ant justice, you are indescribable, and in the best way possible. I also find how I love you hard to express in words, I love your smile, your eyes, your laugh, your personality and millions of other reasons. And I hope you love me too, even just half as much. So, because I love you and we have been together for over three years, I wanted to do something special. And all I have to do is hope you say yes. P.s, look behind you.

McGee had taken an hour to write something he was proud off. A whole hour, all because he couldn't think of how to tell Jimmy he loved him, now, all he had to do was put the note in autopsy were Jimmy would find it, let him read it, then get Down on one knee and propose, except McGee was nervous. Very nervous. What if Jimmy said no?

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