💫💫 Quarantine with Jimmy 💫💫

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Your dating

- You know how badly this is effecting him, and you feel guilty because you kinda like the whole quarinte thing.

- You see, Jimmy is a nervous ball of excitement, but he is also a social butterfly and has so many friends he talks to everyday and without being able to see them like normal he kind of- well- gets depressed.

-Don't get him wrong he loves the extra time with you but he needs his friends to survive and you understand 100%. You had your moments too.

- So, you decided to make him feel okay, at least try. You had gotten most of his friends to video call him! (I know I used this for mcgee just shut up) and he loved it!! But halfway through he got a phone call from Gibbs.

- Jimmy froze and quickly hung up the other call and answers Gibbs nervously. He left the room for privacy and you started to make some dinner. After about 10 minutes Jimmy came back in and had tears running down his face.

- That's when you got told that your best friend had passed away of covid. You had been best friends with Dinozzo for years now, ever since you two were in high school, and now he was dead all because of a stupid virus. You two saw eachother everyday, due to vivid you two called, but you always talked to eachother. And now you won't be able to.

- You just nodded slightly and continued about your day, just pretending everything was fine. Asking as you didn't have to face your emotions tony was fine, right?

- It only hit you when the whole gang decided to make a bubble and stay at Gibbs place. You were excited until you got there and there was no charming, childish, film need Dinozzo to great you at the door. No one to brag about there dates, No one to reference old movies, No one who knew about you being pregnant anymore.

- You had gotten pregnant (if you a male go with it lmao) Just before quaritne, so about 2 months ago, and you were terrified. Tony was telling you it would be fine. And now, without him there, you felt panicked. Don't get me wrong, you love Jimmy and you wanted a kid with him! But you couldn't help but feel like he would hate you.

- So now, with Dinozzo suddenly not there to hug you and tell you it was okay you panicked and ran to the bathroom, locking the door and curling up against the wall.

- Jim came and tried to talk to you but you just cried harder. So, Gibbs, you surrogate father (not literally but like- you get it) came up and you talked to him. Told him everything. And he calmed you down, and you went to Jimmy and hugger him tightly.

- That's was when you told him he would be a father.


- Suprisingly, and thankfully, since you were 1 you didn't really understand or care.


HI! So I legit couldn't think of anything for the kid cause all my energy went into the dating one-

Love you
SM xxx

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