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You and McGee have been dating secretly for a while now, and you have to go undercover for a mission, and McGee thinks you look amazing in your outfit

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You and McGee have been dating secretly for a while now, and you have to go undercover for a mission, and McGee thinks you look amazing in your outfit. (Dating)

It was scary, having your first undercover mission, and your boyfriend couldn't even say good luck. You see, you and McGee had been dating for a while but the two of you had been keeping it a secret as your brother just so happened to be one Very Special Agent Anthony Dinozzo, and he was very protective of you. You did understand it, you were his twin after all and you guys were very close, so you didn't mind him being protective. Anyway, you had to go undercover as a drug dealer and had to sell to a very very well known gang leader, and also a known killer. And you were chosen to go under cover. Your first mission, and God you were terrified. You walked out of the bathroom after changing into your undercover outfit, and walked into the bullpen, smiling shyly at the team. "How do I look?" You asked, doing alittle spin. "Amazing! You really pull off the whole 'drug dealer' chic" Kate said, laughing gently. Dinozzozo was clearly worried, you could tell by the look on his face and you quickly hugged him gently, just so he knew you would be fine. "You know that I can look after myself" you muttered, looking up at the other. "Yes, but I am older by 3 minutes, so I have to look after you" Dinozzo said smirking, taking great pride in the facet he was slightly older. "Okay, funs over, time for work" Gubbs said, interrupting. You nodded and glanced at McGee. You sent you a quick smile and wink as you headed to the elevator, making you feel a lot better. Man, you were in love.

((Sorry it's bad lol))

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