🤟 Goodbye. 🤟

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Hello dear followers! So, this is going to be a sad update, but I've come to the decision to end this book! I've loved working on it and putting my (terrible lol) fanfictions out there, but I dont know how to continue as i havent been doing it for so long as a result of mental health issues and life getting in the way, also I only have so many ideas haha!

Don't worry though, I'm not gone forever! I've decided to work on my multi-fandom oneshots book and a new book of one-shots too!!

This is probably going to take alittle bit of time to actually get out, but I'm hoping that I will be able to post semi-regulalry with that and the multi-fandom one-shots!

The new book I'm working on is going to be......drum roll please.....STAR TREK!!!

And yeah, I hope you all understand and enjoy my (hopefully out soon) new book/one-shots! I'm aiming to get the first Star Trek one-shot out this week, so yeah!

So, I will hopefully be giving you some new gay fanfiction soon for you all!

Before I finish this Goodbye though, I just want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who read, voted and commented on this book. I have loved it so much, and it has been an amazing journey with you all!

Thank you, and see you soon with new gay fanfics!

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