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Gibbs - You had been on a scene of a case and next thing you knew your leg was in a lot of pain. Like, a lot. And only when you looked down did you realise why. You had been shot right in the thigh and it hurt like a bitch. It was just you there and no reception. Gibbs had told you to go look around and now you were injured. Gibbs was going to kill you. So, instead of calling for help you decided that you would just walk to the crime scene. And you made it there but not before you collapsed from loss of blood. You don't remember much after that but you do remember Jimmy and Ducky putting pressure on the leg and McGee telling you that Gibbs would be there soon as he was currently talking to a suspect in a cafe and McGee told him and Gibbs was on his way. Then, next thing you knew, you woke up in a hospital with bright white lights and stupid white walls. Why was everything so bright white? You looked to your left to see your boyfriend, Gibbs, slumped in an uncomfortable chair holding your hand as he slept. "Morning sleepy head" you said lightly as he woke up and smiled. "I was so worried- I shouldn't have let you go on your own-" Gibbs rambled on and you cut him off by sitting up and kissing him gently. "Hey, I'm okay, it's not your fault, did you catch the bastard?" You asked as Gibbs smirked. "Trust me, he won't be bothering you anymore" he said and that made you laugh. Gibbs babied you for five months after that and so did Abby and Ducky. But you did not mind. It was nice to be able to sit and cuddle Gibbs while he kissed your cheek telling you how much he loved you.

McGee - To say your ex was crazy was the understatement of the year. Last time you saw him was when he tried to set you on fire, so you were glad you got away. That was until today. You were sat in Abby's lab with Abby and McGee talking about some video game together while you hugged McGee's side gently. And the minute you got up to go use the bathroom you were shot right in the shoulder. And you almost immediately fainted. Right into McGee's arms. You were not good with pain or blood, even though you solved murders, so the minute you saw blood you fainted. And McGee froze. He did not know what to do. Did he call someone, or did he help you first? So, Abby called Gibbs and an ambulance while McGee lay you on the floor and whispered sweet nothing is to your unconscious form. You woke up after five minutes only to see you laying on the floor and McGee kissing your forehead. "Wh-what happened?" You whispered. McGee just looked at you and rubbed your cheek before the whole team, including Jimmy and Ducky, and the Ambulance crew were in the lab. McGee went in the ambulance with you while everyone else started working out who shot you. Whoever it was that shot you, they would pay. Gibbs and the team would make sure of that. When you awoke next you were laying in the hospital and McGee was sat next to you. "Your awake! I was so worried baby, you were shot right in your shoulder and you were losing so much blood and I was so scared" McGee said quietly, not even taking a breath as you sat up, groaning in pain as you did. You kissed your boyfriends' hand gently and smiled. "Hey, I'm fine okay? I'm not leaving anytime soon, I promise" you said, and McGee kissed you gently. "By the way, Dinozzo caught the bastard who shot you, it was your fucking crazy ex" he said with a deadly look. "Yep, he is crazy, but I'm guessing everyone made sure he wasn't going to hurt me, so please don't worry" you said and started talking about World of Warcraft.

Dinozzo - You were sat at your desk when this guy, clearly drunk, walks in. With a gun. How he got passed security you would never know but either way he stumbled in demanding he knew about his son's case. Gibbs got up and started to reason with him while You, Dinozzo and Bishop all got up and got ready to pull your guns out and not even half way through his next sentence the man shoots you In your stomach, making you look down and groan. Oh no. Now you would have blood on your desk. Oh, and you were SHOT. Dinozzo rushed over to you as Bishop shot the guy three times in the chest. McGee had been out and came back in to see you bleeding out and a dead guy on the floor. Does not matter if McGee did not like you, he was still worried. Gibbs quickly called an ambulance as you sat down in your chair and had Dinozzo try to stop the bleeding. "Just- Stay awake for me okay baby? Please, stay awake for me, how about you tell me that new game your working on yeah? Something to do with-with cars, right?" He asked, tears running down his face. "I-It's a racing ga-game, of course th-there are cars" you said, laughing slightly then coughing harshly. "You know, I wouldn't rec-recommend getting shot-shot it hurts" you said joking as you kissed Dinozzos forehead. "I'-I'll be fine baby" you whispered before falling unconscious just as the ambulance members came in. Luckily, the bullet had not hit anything vital and you were going to be fine. But your boyfriend was acting like you were glass so the next three weeks after you got out of the hospital he practically wrapped you up in bubble wrap and wouldn't even let you lift up a tissue.

Jimmy - You always enjoy working in Autopsy with Ducky and your boyfriend, Jimmy, but what you had never anticipated was getting shot in the arm while trying to examine a body. You all had been called on a case and Jimmy was ill, so he was off, and Ducky was looking after his mother until you got back to the office, so it was just you. And you were nervous. But you went to the scene and Gibbs said you did well, and then him, McGee, Dinozzo and Bishop went looking for stuff. Good thing to note was that local police had left, and it was just you guys. And the next thing you knew there was a new cop telling you to put your hands up, so you did. And you told him who you were and then he shot you in your lower arm. Yep. Just shot you right in the arm. And you yelled. Loudly. Making the team run over too you to see the young cop looking scared and you holding onto your arm. "C-Call Jimmy a-and an ambulance" you said weakly to McGee as he did it and Gibbs cuffed the young cop, but not before punching him in the face. So, you were taken to hospital and after you were patched up Jimmy came in and was a ball of nervous and anxiety. And he came into your room and started to cry. "I-I'm so sorry, I should've been there, and I was so worried, and I couldn't get here faster because of traf-" He started rambling nervously as he walked over and sat on your bed. "Hey, baby, it's okay, I'm fine, it wasn't even that bad, didn't hit anything and it was in my lower arm, don't worry okay?" You said gently and wrested your forehead gently against his and kissed him.

Abby - Abby was currently sat in the lab with you next to her and you were talking about getting another Burt the hippo. You said you should have one for home and one for work and Abby said you only needed one Burt the hippo and the conversation was getting rather heated. That is when Abby's cousin walked into your guys lab. "Alright! Do you think we shoul-" You said looking at her but before you could finish Abby's cousin, who you considered family, shot you in the chest. Abby quickly called Gibbs and started to cry. You were laying in the floor bleeding out, so when Gibbs came down and saw this, he kicked the cousin and called an Ambulance. "Hey, j-just stay awake for me o-okay?" Abby said gently as she held you. You tried to stay awake, you really did but you could not, and you passed out. Gibbs looked after Abby as you were in surgery. And it took 8 hours. 8 torturing hours for Abby, Gibbs, Ducky, Jimmy, Dinozzo, McGee and Bishop. But Abby was the worst. She was panicking and could not calm down, so she stayed hugged Gibbs, crying softly. And when she heard you could have visitors she ran in and hugged you gently. "Hey baby" you said in a raspy voice. "Hey, never get shot again, please, it was so scary" she said still hugging you. You laughed lightly. "I don't plan on getting shot again anytime soon" you said lightly, and Abby said Gibbs promised that he was going to get a working metal detector for security.

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