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Gibbs - You had just found out you could never biologically have kids and to say you were taking it hard was in understatement. You would not speak unless you had too and avoided the topic completely. That was until today. You had a case and Gibbs told you to stay in the office as he knew how hard you were taking it. He was taking it hard too but was better at concealing it. You did not listen to him. You went with everyone to the scene and started looking around, that is when you heard a soft crying coming from the bedroom. "Hello?" You said as he walked in, hand on your gun. When you heard a small, "don't hurt me" from under the bed you knew it was a child. So, he knelt and called Gibbs in. "Hey, you okay? We are here to help okay. Can you come out?" You asked as the small child nodded and crawled out, wandering over to you. "What happens with mummy?" He asked and you took a deep breath. "She is going away for a bit, but I'll look after you for a few days okay. You can stay with me and my boyfriend" you said without really thinking. That is when Gibbs walked in and saw you hugging the small boy tightly. Gibbs smiled and looked at the boy. He looked about 3 - 3 and a half. So young. And his mother was dead. So sad. So, the next three days, while you were searching for any family of the boy, he stayed at you and Gibbs house, sleeping in the spare bedroom and before you knew it you had adopted him and he was calling you and Gibbs mummy and daddy.

Dinozzo - You and your boyfriend, Dinozzo, had been talking about kids for a while but you didn't want to get pregnant (If u a guy ignore XD) as you didn't want to have to stay away from work for weeks on end as you would go stir crazy. So instead you two decided on adoption, as you felt like you could give a little girl a good life, unlike your own. The week after deciding Dinozzo and you went to the adoption agency and filled out all the paperwork and such and then you just had to wait until you were accepted. Wait until they deemed you good enough to be parents. And it was hell. Everyone at work knew and everyone was worried and hoping for the best. Well, not everyone, Abby and Jimmy did not seem to like you much but that was okay, you had Gibbs and Bishop and McGee to help you feel better. And after waiting for two months you finally got the email saying that you eligible. And you screamed. Loudly. And Dinozzo came into the living room with his gun pulled out but once he saw your happy face, he knew what was happening and hugged you tightly. Next thing you knew was that you and Dinozzo were at the orphanage and reading files. You both knew you wanted a girl and you wanted her to be between eight months and two years old. Then you spotted her. The perfect little baby girl you could call your own. She was one and a half and she was adorable! So, you and Dinozzo adopted her and you guys went home, showed her around then you fell asleep on the couch, only to be awoken buy your boyfriend playing tea party with your baby girl.

McGee - This was how you expected to have a kid, but it happened. McGee a d you had been having a nice night at home, cuddling on the couch, and watching Doctor Who and Star Trek when he got a call. Pausing the T.V. he answers and stood up quickly mumbling a thank you before hanging up. You stood up and looked at him. "Baby, what wrong?" You asked as he had tears running down his face. "M-My sister was in a car accident and she uh- she is dead she wanted me to look after her kid." He whispered as you hugged him tightly. "Hey, hey, it'll be fine, okay? I promise, we will figure it out together, we will look after the little champ okay?" You said reassuringly as you kissed his forehead. And that is how you ended up in the hospital looking at the little 2-month-old baby in a little incubator thingy. The baby boy hadn't been hurt but they kept him there while you drove over, and McGee had to fill out some paperwork, so you got the little guy ready. "Hey buddy, you have to stay with me and your uncle McGee now, but don't worry, he may seem nervous but you uncle McGee is the strongest smartest man I know, and you'll be protected, everyone on the team is going to love you" you mutters the small child in your arms and left with McGee.

Jimmy - You and Jimmy had a surrogate so you could have a kid! Turns out, you were having twins, a boy, and a girl, you were going to call them Luke and Leah! And you two could not have been more excited. That was until you got the call. The call that changed everything. The call saying that your surrogate had a hurt attack and only one baby survived. Jimmy was a wreck and couldn't even breath so you made sure you were strong for him, you reassured him and even though you were also a wreck you made sure your boyfriend was okay before making your way to the hospital. Once there you saw your little baby girl in a small incubator as she was 2 months pre-mature and you could not help but smile slightly at her. At least she was okay. You would still have to organise a funeral for your surrogate and do so much to help Jimmy and look after the baby. But you knew she would always be safe. Your family, Gibbs, Abby, Dinozzo, McGee, Bishop and Ducky would stop at nothing to protect her. And neither would you or Jimmy. So that is when you swore that you would always make sure your baby girl was happy and okay.

Abby - You and your Girlfriend were down in the lab when you got a call about a bomb threat just three blocks away in the mall. So, obviously, you told Gibbs and the team so they could help! What you did not know was that your cousin was there with her kid. Your only family left. You little nice who was 4 and your cousin who was 26. You had practically grew up together and once your mom passed it was just you and her, until she got knocked up on accident but she was happy she did because your niece was the cutest thing ever! Abby loved her and so did you. That why when you found out she was at the mall you got Abby to drive you there. Gibbs told you, repeatedly, that it was going to be fine, but you knew it was not. And that is when you watched as the mall erupted into flames. You could not help but cry as you heard a small cry come from the car next to you. You looked over and saw that your niece was in there. Your cousin must have gone in fast and wanted to come out fast. So, you gently open the door and hugged her to your chest. "It's okay baby, it is all okay, me and you will look after her okay?" Abby said to you and hugged you both.

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