☁️☁️ Dating Ducky Would Include ☁️☁️

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- He is a proper gentleman, opening doors for you, paying for the meal and all of the other things that I can't think of

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- He is a proper gentleman, opening doors for you, paying for the meal and all of the other things that I can't think of.

- Your in your 30s (idk) and Ducky is constantly worries people will dislike you for dating him as he is in his early 60s (again idk)

- You don't care about the slight age gap, you love eachother and that's all that matters.

- You love cooking for him! And he loves eating it, so it works well.

- unlike a few people, you love listening to duckys little stories and facts, well not little, and could spend hours cuddling into him and listening to his adventures.

- You both enjoy traveling together, going to Japan, China, Germany, anywhere you can!

- Ducky sorry about you a lot, as he sees what can happen to innocent people. You tell him not to worry, you have him and Gibbs there to protect you.

- You and Jimmy are best friends And enjoy going out together for, what you like to call, your 'girl nights'

- You and Gibbs are also very close, he was the one who introduced you and Ducky, and he is duckys best friend so you naturally became  close and have him over for game nights.

- When you two are not at work you are at home or travelling! If your at home you are cooking, cuddling, watching old films or going on nice walks and feeding the ducks. If your traveling your eating a lot of amazing food, exploring, but also relaxing too.


So MissRavenclaw07 wanted some ducky stuff and here it is my dude/dudette or whatever your pronouns are lmao! I am working on a quarantine series as well so look out for that!!


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