Part Two: Chapter Thirty Six

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Within the following week Hwanwoong had found himself and his husband hosting a night of dinner and research for the other boys, all gathered around the coffee table after eating their meal. Piles of books littered around them, some on the table while others lay stacked or in someone's lap.  

"So, I went through the school's library and found all that I could which kinda surprised. Plus, another surprise was that the librarian actually let me check these all out when I told her I had a really big report due." Xion laughed softly as he spoke gesturing to the books he had brought. "Anyway, I've looked through some but not many and talking with some of the history teachers around school other than Keonhee, I wasn't able to find out much. They are the ones who gave me lists of books to try checking out and I actually found all at our library."

"Like Xion, I was able to get some of the books that he wasn't able to, even found a few in the area only teachers have access to." Keonhee added gesturing to his own pile that was a bit smaller than the other's.

Ravn nodded at the two looking toward Leedo who spoke up next. "I was able to work some of my contacts down at the office and they helped me get access to a floor plan to the museum. Made sure it was all paper transactions with no electrical footprint."

"I want to look over those floor plans so let's bring them to the kitchen table." Ravn said standing, Leedo standing with him before gathering said items and making his way off toward the table as Hwanwoong caught his demon's hand.

"Babe, I'm staying in here and looking though some of the books if that's alright with you." His eyes were bright looking up at the man who seemed to melt like putty just by the one simple look, boy was he in love with this short fiery man.

"That's fine princess." Ravn grinned at the blush he caused, leaning down to press a soft kiss against his lover's lips. "Just yell if you find something of use, alright?"

"I will." Hwanwoong smiled.

Pulling away Ravn noticed that without realization Seoho and Xion had both gotten up and had made their way into the kitchen with Leedo to look over the prints while Keonhee decided to stick around. Ravn pressed one more kiss against his lover, this time the top of the head before he moved to join the other three. Though they started their research a little after their dinner their time spent on their work had put them well past midnight, Xion popping between the two rooms from time to time.

Most of what had been found was common knowledge to the men with the occasional fib or exaggeration that stated that apparently the war between Seraphic and Daemonium was because Ravn kidnapped Hwanwoong and not that the boy had run off with his lover. It also stated that Keonhee had died in battle while fighting and losing his life to none other than Ravn's right hand man Lee...not Leedo just Lee which was yet another thing that the historians had gotten wrong. Never once did the history books mention Apollyon and how they were the ones that helped with the war against Seraphic.

One book that Hwanwoong had found did in fact say that Daemonium had won the war but it of course didn't have how the Apollyon kings backstabbed them shortly after.

In one of the books that Keonhee was reading he found something similar to what Hwanwoong had read but that Hwanwoong himself had been killed by Ravn before the king of Seraphic could 'save' him. And in another book Keonhee found was of how they remembered the war, Apollyon aiding them in the coming war with Seraphic and the reasons leading up to the war but none of the supernatural bullshit as some historians would say. But it did have how Daemonium kings fell to their death during the betrayal which made all boys laugh when it had been read aloud. Proving a historical text book wrong was proven to be quite a funny stress reliever.

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