Part Two: Chapter Thirty Five

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The next morning for the first time in a long time Hwanwoong woke to an empty bed something that reminded him that the prior night wasn't just some made up hopeful dream, no it was reality. Smiling to himself he took a moment to appreciate his reality and just remained lying in bed only rolling over to grab his phone from the bedside table so that he could play some random game he had downloaded oh so long ago. He was just letting out his third yawn and debating on making himself get up so that he could get a cup of coffee when the bathroom door swung open, Ravn stepping out with a towel around his waist. Hwanwoong caught the action, blushing bright at a sight he hadn't seen in so long gracing his eyes. What he didn't quite catch though was the look on the elder's face, the man smirking as he watched his husband check him out.  

"See anything you like, love?" Ravn chuckled lowly. A deep blush crossed over Hwanwoong's face, his skin going darker as he hid himself under the blankets making the older laugh at the childish act. Ravn piping back up as he moved through the room. "Why so shy?"

"Shut up." Came Hwanwoong's muffled voice before the boy wiggled under the blankets pulling them with him as he moved to sit up and peak through the little gap, he left for himself. Looking toward the bathroom he no longer saw his husband nor did he hear the man move, making him sport a small pout. Poking his head out further from his little cocoon which he realized was a bad idea as he was forced onto his back, Ravn hovering over him leaning in to press teasing ticklish kisses all over the smaller's face and neck. The boy thrashed squealing out. "Ravn! Stop!"

The fit of giggling continued until he accidently let out an involuntary moan as the older found his earlobe biting softly. Hwanwoong not having the strength or will to push his lover away, whispered under the elder's touch melting at every inch the man's touch that set fire to the younger's skin.

"Shall we go for an early morning round three?" Ravn asked in a husky voice making the younger blush an even deeper shade of crimson as he fully submitted.

Ravn had just joyously grabbed the other for a deep kiss when a knocked interrupted their moment. Wanting to ignore the door hoping they'd go away Ravn continued to ravish his submissive yet the knocked persisted, the doorbell ringing as well making the older groan as he prayed and begged in his head for the person to go away. No luck, the person really was a persistent fuck, Ravn angrily pulling off his annoyed lover. A low menacing growl left rumbling out of his throat as he walked over to his dresser yanking it open to pull on a pair of boxers and pants, from there the man stomped his way out of the bedroom and to their front door.

As he yanked open the door he yelled out. "You better have a damn good reason for interrupting me and my husband..." Upon seeing who was at the door the man's mood soured even more as he forced himself not to launch his body at the woman standing at the door. " fucking bitch. The fuck are you doing here?"

"Hey who is it?" Hwanwoong came waddling down the hallway wrapped in a bundle of their blankets making Ravn turn slightly, his mood lifting some at how adorable his lover looked. "Make them go away and come back to bed."

"I kinda can't babe." Ravn answered softly before looking back toward at the lady he wished wouldn't have shown up as soon as she did.

"Why?" Hwanwoong was coming closer finally getting a look at who held up his other half. "Oh...hello Bellatrix."

Before the witch even had time to talk and say her hellos to her son and son-in-law, Ravn let out a loose growl. "What are you doing here? And what the hell do you want?"

"You know exactly why it is that I'm here my boy." She told him cocking her head to the side giving him a once over, her son looked good for someone who had been in a coma for over a millennium. "How have you been?"

"Quit with the fucking pleasantries and spit out why you're here. The only reason I don't kill you right now is due to you having the information on where our rings might be...that and I don't need our neighbors calling the cops when they witness me tearing you limp from limp."

"I don't...I have no information on the ring locations but I've been looking for them for the last decade now. In fact before I killed the last of the Apollyon kings I had found myself questioning each and every last one of them yet I never got any hint of information from them. Nor did I find much when I searched through their belongings afterword." She answered them looking away. "I really just came to tell you both I'm sorry and to see how you're both doing."

Hwanwoong baffled by the words coming from the witch's lips let out a growl of his own, his body looking small and menacing pressed against his husband's back. "Give me one food reason why I shouldn't kill you myself! You ripped my family away from me, fuck the stupid debt you had with the Apollyon kingdom! We as your family could have helped you out if you would have given us a goddamn chance! Did you have to make me understand the pain Ravn went through and felt while he waited for me to reincarnate? If that was the case, I would have given up my life ten times over to wish he never had to go through that because waiting for him to wake up nearly killed me most nights!"

Hating that Hwanwoong was getting over worked and emotional, Ravn took the shorter boy's hand in his own looking his mother over. Ravn hated the fact that his love his one and only had to go through something similar if not worse waiting for him to wake up. He knew that it was hard enough waiting the three hundred years he did when waiting for Hwanwoong but to wait over a thousand like the younger did...Ravn couldn't imagine what pain and guilt he felt or any other emotion for that matter. His hand tightened around the other at the thought before asking the one question he wanted to know since that day she betrayed them, it was the betrayal that caused all this. "Why were you in debt to them anyway?"

"It doesn't matter..." She mumbled out.

"Then leave." Ravn sighed out. "You have no need being here nor do we want you here. We won't accept your apology nor should you care how we've been but I will give you the benefit of the doubt and let you leave without trying to kill you. Though I will tell you that the next time I see you your head will be on a silver platter on a display somewhere."

The witch went to speak, to protest but couldn't find her words as she took a step away from them, Hwanwoong catching the action and speaking up against it. "Please just leave."

"As you wish." She when to leave turning her back to the two and making it down the sidewalk before she stopped herself and turned back to the two of them. "I'd like to say...Hwanwoong you're still able to bear a child if you both so please I made sure that no matter the body you reincarnated into that you'd be able to have children once again. Also, the best and only information I can provide for the two of you about your rings is that the Apollyon kings did have their own museum of their life but each time I had checked I never saw anything about the rings nor did I hear much of them. Though with that said it may be your best option to check maybe you'll find something I overlooked."

Ravn nodded. "We'll look into it."

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