Part Two: Chapter Thirty Three

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The six where all gathered around the living room, Hwanwoong curled into Ravn's arms while Xion in his own lovers' arms. Even Keonhee was curled up in Seoho's arms, each and every couple happy to have their lover back.

"So, Keonhee, Seoho have something to tell us there?" Ravn piped up setting his eyes on the couple he had never seen together.     

Seoho let out a soft laugh scratching the back of his head looking around at his family before settling his gaze back on his lover, his Keonhee. "Well, the two of us have been dating since a few months prior to our memory wipe."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Hwanwoong moved forward slightly looking at his brother with questionable sad eyes.

"Well, I guess you kinda figured that dad was against the idea of a guard and prince relationship. With that said we kept our love life under wraps so by the time we had left to go to Daemonium, there was so much going on that we had honestly forgotten to tell you all." Keonhee explained to them all feeling slightly shy at explaining how things happened.

"Well with that aside congrats." Leedo grinned at the two.

"Thanks man." Seoho grinned back.

A small round of support came from the other's making the couple smile, it wasn't until Hwanwoong focused their conversations elsewhere. "Oh! Xion!"

"Yeah?" The younger asked softly cocking his head to the side.

"Move out of your apartment and come live with you, yeah?" The shorter just about demanded knowing how the younger struggled with paying his rent. Now that they had their memories back he felt more confident telling the younger demon to move in. "That way you're not having to worry about finding a roommate and you can save the money that would be going into rent to spend on yourself or anything else you need for your classes."

"I.... really?" Xion mumbled looking at his father with wonder, was the older really going to let him move in like that. I mean he knew that it was his father and that both his parents were probably more than happy to have their son with them but it still shocked the little demon.

Leedo cleared his thought. " you could always move in with me."

The younger saw his lover looking anywhere other than the boy wrapped up in his arms, Xion laughing softly as he looked up to softly kiss the male's jaw. "Really Leedo?"

"Yeah of course I mean I am kinda lonely living alone." Leedo stated.

"Get a puppy." Keonhee shot earning a glare from the other making the group bust out into a set of laughter.

"I love our banter and how we've normalized our lives and the conversations but now that we're all back together we need to discuss one thing before we do anything from here on out." Ravn sighed heavily looking them all over, Hwanwoong looking up at his lover with his head cocked to the side in confusion.

"What is it we need to discuss?" Hwanwoong asked softly.

"Our rings, the former Apollyon kings may be dead now giving us our opportunity to be back to ourselves against but that hasn't stopped the fact that they probably have our rings under lock and key with any other lackeys. They also probably set up some form of a plan or protocol for their deaths they knew would eventually come, they must have known that once we got our memories back that we'd want our rings back." Ravn answered sitting forward and readjusting himself wrapping his arms around his tiny lover and keeping him close.

"So, what are you suggesting?" Leedo asked.

"As much as I hate it we need to find my mother and get some information on where they could have hidden them or look up what happened to the kingdom in history books or whatever and see if that give us anything to go off of." Ravn answered back.

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