Chapter Two (Edited)

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Day had turned to night faster than the two would have expected. The prince nearly asleep on the library couch, a little lantern showing off the table of assorted books. A soft knock echoed into the now quiet living quarters; the sound didn't even startle the sleepy prince, but it did have his personal guard looking up from his own book he had absentmindedly been 'reading'.

"Hey, I'm here to switch out with you." Another one of the prince's personal guards walked through the slightly ajar door. The man stood tall at six feet yet only a hair under Ravn, his eyes were a dark hazel always so intent and watchful of his surroundings. And here the guard was like he was every four to five days, ready to switch off with Ravn.

"Shit, I forgot about shift change." Ravn spoke before casting a look over at the sleeping prince, blonde hair askew against his scrunched-up forehead. "Just let me put him to bed first, he's had a long day."

"Hm, sure." The other said letting Ravn stand, all to walk over to Hwanwoong to slip his arms underneath the feather light prince and scoop him from the love seat. The prince barely felt the movement, his head lulling off to the side to rest against something he thought was warm.

"I don't wanna move." With his head resting unknowingly against Ravn's shoulder, he whined out softly snuggling closer. "Let me sleep."

Chuckling softly, Ravn answered him. "I know that's why I'm carrying you off to bed."

"But..." Through his sleep Hwanwoong protested even though he refused to move an inch. "Not your," Yawn. "Job..." He snuggled further as he felt the older begin to walk, shifting his weight to better carry the prince.

"I told your father I'd do anything for you. Whether it be protecting you or helping you in any way possible; just let me take you to bed, alright?" Besides, the guard thought, I've vowed to protect you before you were even born.

"Okay..." The young man drifted off barley catching the conversation of the two guards as they walked their way down the hall after leaving the library.

"He's got a point ya know. I watch him too on your time off and I've only stood guard and made sure he was safe, nothing more." Leedo, the other guard, mumbled giving the other a sideways look. "So, why do you go beyond what you're requested to do?"

"You know the reasons, Leedo. I made that promise after Hwan..." Ravn answered trailing off and looking down at the sleeping prince in his arms. "Besides I've been with him since he was six, maybe seven. We've grown up together; so, with that being said I'm going to always be there for him no matter the cost and be that shoulder he needs to lean on. He needs me especially after everything he's been through."

"He needs you or you need him?" Leedo questioned giving the older a pointed look. He remembered just what the other went through when he made that promise to them.

"Both." The other answered casting a look down toward the prince in his arms.


A moment of silence settled between the two as they continued through the dimly candle-lit halls. Each flame dancing within their metal cage, casting shadows against the walking men.

"Can you push the door open for me?" They had come to stop in front of the prince's door, Ravn refraining from kicking it open. "I rather not get in trouble with the king or with any of the other royal guards. If they were to find out I kicked it open, I mean."

Through his sleep-stricken state, Hwanwoong heard his bedroom door open with a slight creak. He felt himself being moved a few steps into the room before being placed gently down on the soft mattress below.

"Ravn." He yawned.

"Shh, shh." Ravn coaxed the younger down unwrapping the arm that had, without his knowledge, wrapped around his neck and pulling the covers over the prince. "Go to bed."

"Stay." Hwanwoong cuddled into his blankets turning his back to the other who just shook his head, the prince was always so clingy when he was tired. It reminded him of their past life, a time Ravn could never forget no matter the painful memories.

"I can't, I have to go make sure you stay safe." Ravn answered back reaching to tuck a stray strand of blonde that had fallen in front of the prince's closed eyes, his fingers lingering on the way back to his side.

"Hmm okay..." Hwanwoong yawned again, snuggling into the silk sheets as Ravn took his leave. But what the guard didn't see was that the prince turned back to face him, dove grey eyes fluttering open to watch the guard blow out the flickering candle. He watched a moment longer as the man left the room. The light from the hallway fading into a thin strip, Leedo just visible through the cracked door as he let the sleep overcome his body.

Ravn had just walked from the room and had begun to walk down the hall stopping just passed Leedo, a view of the sleeping prince's silhouette as the other guard spoke. "Was that really smart saying that to him?"

"I'm his guard it's nothing he hasn't heard me say before." Ravn was confident in his answer, looking away from the sleeping lump in bed and down at the guard who had taken his post in sitting outside the door on a little wooden stool.


"Just drop it Leedo, okay?" The older interrupted, giving him a look. "I still need to be back in Daemonium by the morning after tomorrow."

"Okay, fine, I'll see you in a few days then." Leedo grumbled knowing full well that he had to let the other leave without complaint.

"Thank you, Xion is due back some time tomorrow and I wish to be home when he arrives." Ravn gave a soft smile as he continued his walk down the hall.

Leedo shocked at what the other had just said, stood from his seat and called softly out toward the guard. "He's coming home?"

Ravn just nodded. Though he knew he would have to say something to the man who awaiting the other's arrival more than him. "Yes." 

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