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~Three years later~

"Oppa. Oppa!! OPPA!!!! The little girl stood on the couch next to her big brother poking him before screaming in his ear.

"I hear you Yue." Xion answered looking over at her. "What is it?"

"I hungry." She complained.

"Go talk to mama then." He said giving her a soft smile.

"But I no find him." She answered cocking her head to the side. "He and daddy gone."

Xion groaned pushing himself up from the couch and scooping up his little sister in his arms, did his parents really have to go get down and nasty while he and the others were here just so they could leave Yue with them?

"What do you wanna eat, Cupcake?" He asked letting her look around the kitchen.

She licked her lips thinking as he cuddled into his arms, screaming in his ear as she answered him. "Pop tarts. OH!! And gummy sharks!"

Xion could help but laugh softly shaking his head, he knew it wouldn't be a good idea for her to have what she was asking for because Hwanwoong says it's to much sugar and she'll get hyper later before bed but right now that was Xion's plan. So what did he do, he pulled out a thing or pop tarts and the bag of gummy sharks that Hwanwoong had craved a lot while pregnant with the little girl.

"You know Hwanwoong's not gonna be happy." Leedo chuckled lowly walking into the kitchen after his lover.

"So? He can deal, him and dad left this little cutie with the rest of us so that they could probably go created another one of us kids. Besides I'm her brother I have to keep on her good side." He grinned up at his fiancé innocently.

"If that's what you're going to do give her more sugar!" Keonhee piped up popping his head into the kitchen with an evil grin on his face. He emerged into the kitchen going to rummage through the cupboards for something else to give the hungry child.

"I swear to god if you're giving my child sugar, I'm killing you all." Hwanwoong growled all three boys frozen at the house of his voice.

"Shit." Xion mumbled.

"S..shit?" Yue mumbled before screaming. "SHIT!"

Hwanwoong's eyes blazed with rage as he glared at his son. "I'm gone for maybe thirty minutes tops to wrap her birthday presents with Ravn because you lazy asses don't want to wrap shit and I come back out to find you trying to give my precious baby a sugar high and teaching her bad words!"

Ravn chuckled appearing behind his husband wrapping an arm around the shorter's waist as he spoke. "Just give her one of the pop tarts and take away the gummy sharks, Xion. And Yue my precious little mastermind what have mommy and I told you about asking your brother for things you know you can't have or do?"

The little girl grinned toward her father innocently batting her eyes at him. "I sorry daddy."

Hwanwoong groaned softly leaning against Ravn. "She's your child."

"Really 'cause last time I checked she reminds me a lot of her mama with all that sass and mock innocence she carries in that tiny body of hers." Ravn chuckled.

"That's because I am innocent." Hwanwoong laughed Ravn's head dipping down to nip at the younger's ear.

"That's not how I saw in last night." Ravn chuckled in Hwanwoong's ear.

"Okay!!" Xion yelled putting the child down and throwing his hands over her ears. "Don't we have a three-year old's birthday party to start?"

The group of men bursting out in laughter even the few who had been scattered around the living room that had peaked into the kitchen to see what was going on, Seoho walking into the kitchen to stand with Keonhee while the Ateez party watched and laughed from the doorway.

Speaking of Ateez, the Apollyon kings to be exact, they had gone out and become an idol group that was now known as Ateez. Not to mention they had become a new set of friends for the Daemonium boys. The two groups always getting together on big events such as birthdays and such or once a month when they all have some free time just so they can catch up on life. They were all immortal after all might as well have some immortal friends outside their friend group while they're at it.

Smiling, Ravn looked around. To think that they had all been enemies with Ateez oh so long ago. He never thought that things would happen they why it's gone for them but then again, he never expected for Hwanwoong to actually reincarnate nor did he expect to form such strong bonds with the men that stood by them step by step of their lives.

"Everything's perfect." Ravn mumbled only loud enough for Hwanwoong to hear.

"It really is." Hwanwoong smiled up at him kissing his jaw, a hint of teasing in his eyes.

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