Part Two: Chapter Thirty

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Hey guys so just a little author's note before you guys start this chapter...I'm making this chapter as well as the ones to follow part two because this is in fact the second half of the story. This second half was supposed to be my ending with only one or two chapters left but i had a friend of mine help me find a way to make it longer as well as answering a lot of questions i had as to how to get to my ending in a good way that i like. so with that said enjoy the second half of the story!


"Why am I not surprised that you'd be the one to end things early for the last of us?" Wooyoung chuckled bitterly looking over toward the witch that approached him, her hard eyes glaring at him as she stepped further into the room. There in her hand sat a little pieced together doll that looked eerily like the High King before her, a small poison dipped dagger sitting in her other hand ready to use as the man continued to speak. "And do you really expect that measly doll to kill me?"

"Are you just now doubting my magic?" The woman asked him.

The man laughed shaking his head, arguing through a rough growl. "Maybe I should with how many times those Daemonium demons regained their memories."

"I did tell you before I cast the spell that there were side effects of them remembering what they should and that the spell had a type of reset that would wipe their memories every time they remembered something pertaining to their life or your kingdom." Bellatrix answered as she examined her fingernails on the hand holding the knife, the faint green glow of the poison glinting against her crimson nails.

"Whatever just get this over with." He growled at the witch knowing there was no way to stop her, for the last few hundred years he has picked up on talk about a mysterious witch lurking around taking out the kings of Apollyon. It was no surprise to him that it was the woman standing before him.

"Gladly." Bellatrix giggled as she was brought back to the last time, she saw the boys she was trying to protect one last time, all going their separate ways never to meet one another again. Well, except for Hwanwoong and Ravn, the two never the ones to be parted yet Hwanwoong left with a husband who may wouldn't wake up until she finished the deed.

Bellatrix sat in the tiny little coffee show sipping on a chai tea when the bell at the front door chimed out signaling the arrival of someone new. The man standing behind the counter calling out to whoever it was who walked in. "Seoho glad you could come in on your day off, I know you wanted to spend it with your girlfriend."

The woman turned slightly to look toward the newcomer just to see him step behind the counter and pull an apron over his head. "No problem but she's not my girlfriend. She's just a really good friend of mine and she canceled on me anyway to hang out with her boyfriend. So, I really don't mind coming into work."

"Wait you're not dating anyone?" The man asked the boy who moved around the counters wiping them clean and going about the normal work day routine.

"Nope, I'm just waiting on my soulmate." That made the witch smile knowing that his subconscious was wanting nothing more than to look or wait for Keonhee. And though their relationship was a secret for the longest time, Bellatrix only found out the day she helped make them immortal.

"Good luck there, buddy." The other told Seoho shaking his head and sincerely patting the boy on the back with a soft smile.

"Anyway, what do you need me to start on first or do you just need me to jump on the registers and man the counters?" Seoho joked.

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