Chapter Eight (Edited)

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"You let what happen to my son?" King Valter bellowed, green eyes looking ready for a fight.

"I never let anything happen to him, I protected him. What I did inform you of is that your son now knows about the Shade and the creatures that live beyond the walls. And with that said the Shade are getting more brazen by the minute."

"How could you let this happen?" King Valter raged.

"One, it wasn't me who was watching over him but one of the other guards that took my place. He is one of my own and has been dealt with according to how I see fit." Ravn shot the King a look, telling him he wasn't going to argue or stand down from his next statement. "What I believe happened is when Leedo took Hwanwoong around to walk the city, he came to close to the wall letting a Skinwalker use their powers for what they were intending. Which was to lead your son through the gates to kill him, might I add. I believe it would not have happened if it weren't for your negligence."

"Don't you dare tell me how to raise my son!" The king roared.

"And don't test me when it comes to your son's life, remember I waited nearly three hundred years to have him reincarnated. Now argue again about who has the right when it comes to his life. I will lay down my own life for him and because I respect you enough as king and our kingdoms being allied. I've kept this secret from him long enough, but I will tell you now that the truth has been hidden long enough." Ravn warned through a low growl, eyes going from a soft forest green to a near black. "When I walk out of here, I'm telling him everything I can about the Shades, about the war that broke out over three hundred years ago and my relationship with Hwan and his reincarnation."

"There's nothing I can do to stop you is there?" The King asked defeated.


"Okay then. But as for Leedo..."

"As I stated moments ago, I have taken care of his punishment." Ravn answered.

"Very well King Ravn..."

"Thank you, my King." Ravn's eyes blazed as he bowed slightly, eyes on the king in front of him before letting his eyes fade to their normal color. From there he departed the throne room, walking around the palace momentarily before going off to find Hwanwoong.

Just like that Ravn was upstairs walking down the hall that led to the younger's room, coming to find a sleeping Leedo in front of the door.

"He and I just traded off." Seoho spoke in a soft voice.

"Do you know how long-ago Hwanwoong retired to his quarters?" Ravn asked softly.

"I do believe it's been a few hours although his light flickered out less than half an hour ago." Seoho answered.

Ravn nodded. "Let Leedo sleep, I'm still off duty technically, but when he wakes tell him I'll be in with the prince."

Seoho nodded "I will."

"Also, if you need anything just remember I'm in the next room alright."

"I will; enjoy your night off."

A ghost of a smile graced Ravn's lips before he brushed passed Leedo, opening the door to the room before closing it behind him once he was through. A small little candle flickered over by the bed; the table it sat on barely illuminated in its light. That little flickering flame gave Ravn just enough light to see his way to the bed of the sleeping prince. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, he pulled the silk covers to the younger and brushed a strand of blonde hair from his face.

"Hmm, that feels good..." The prince mumbled out sleepily.

Jolting his hand away, Ravn stared down at the boy. "I thought you were asleep."

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