Chapter Twenty Six

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The next morning, the happy couple bathed together something they've become used to over the last few days before readying themselves for the day, heading down to the dining area to have a large breakfast with their family and the Kings of Apollyon. Ravn being the first to walk in, his hand holding Hwanwoong's who stood behind him slightly due to all the eyes being trained on them.

"Ah the King and his Prince arrive." Wooyoung chuckled.

Ravn frowned pulling the boy over to the table. "He's my husband making him a king as well therefore please refer to him as such."

"He looks more like the queen in your relationship." One of Wooyoung's many kings, San, spoke in a taunting tone.

"I myself may refer to him as such as well as our family but you do not have that right." Ravn spoke as he guided Hwanwoong into the seat next to his own pulling the chair out for the boy before pushing him back in, his eyes glaring at two of the kings from Apollyon. He watched as both eyed his lovely queen in the same lustful manner as the night before, his frown deep set as he wanted nothing more than to rip their heads off. It was in that moment that the king pulled the fakest smile he could muster before settling down in his seat at the head of the table and next to his lover, taking Hwanwoong's hand gently to pull toward his moth to press a tender kiss across. Doing so he found the blazing eyes of the High King across from him as if asking to be challenged. "To you he is King Hwanwoong."

"Fair enough, my apologies on behand of King San." Wooyoung smiled.

"No need I'm sure it's all water under the bridge, I mean it was simply a joke." San continued to taunt plastering his own smile toward the Ravn, the King clinching his jaw yet the smile never faltered.

They were already getting off on a rocky start but he'd be damned if he didn't get this alliance. "It's all water under the bridge."

A soft silence settled over them just as a sleepy Xion stumbled into the room rubbing at his eyes, a frown on his face upon seeing all the new comers. He said nothing as he walked further into the room stepping toward his seat that say empty between his father and Leedo.

"Why didn't you wake me?" The boy mumbled out his question to Leedo once he settled down into his chair, the guard doing nothing more than smiling softly at the prince and shaking his head softly.

"Just eat." Leedo spoke pushing some of the food over toward him.

"So, shall we get our introductions out of the way now that everyone appears to be here?" Wooyoung asked with a chilling smile.

"You are our guest feel free to start off with whomever you like." Ravn spoke.

"No, no, please introduce who you have first I don't mind, in fact I insist." Wooyoung said the pleasant smile of his never leaving his lips. "There are so many new faces although I do remember your brother Xion."

Brother...a lot has changed in the last few weeks that Ravn could help but chuckle lightly as he shook his head. "Turns out that Xion isn't my brother but in fact my son although the logistics of information will remain a secret until I see fit. But putting that aside to his lift is our personal guard and his lover, Leedo." The little fact was unnecessary to present but the High King made his skin crawl with how he had referred to Xion.

"How interesting." San mumbled out, Hwanwoong shooting the king already annoyed by the man.

"To Leedo's left is the Witch Bellatrix also known as my mother." The woman barely looked up from her food confusing her son but he continued speaking nonetheless. "And of course, to my right you have my husband whom you're already meet but then to his right is his older brother Keonhee. And to the right of him is his personal guard."

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