Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Wait so that's it, they didn't win at all?" The boy questioned slightly angry at the ending and at the lie the other had told him.

"No, they didn't." The older sighed softly looking away.

"Are thy just wandering around without their memories of this then? Do they even know who they are to each other? How long ago was this story? Are they still alive to this day?" The boy shot question after question at the older.

"I thought you didn't believe in any of this?" The older chuckled through his teasing tone.

"Oh, shut up, I need answers!!" The boy cried out.

"It's been nearly a thousand years since the events took place." The older explained.

"But...are they still alive? Why'd you tell me that story if it didn't have a happy ending?" The boy growled out in annoyance.

"Xion, relax the story is still being written. Hell, as far as I know they could still be alive out there and who knows maybe they're remembering their life now." The older chuckled again. "I would like to think that the last of the Apollyon King's would be dead by now."

"Yeah right like that would ever happen, Hwanwoong, they're demons it'll take a lot more than normal deaths to kill off any of the Apollyon demons." Xion mumbled to the other, the older just smiling at the boy as he stood to leave.

"Well I do apologize but I do need to get him to my husband, I need to make sure he's still doing alright." Hwanwoong ruffled the boy's hair.

"You never did tell me how he got sick..." Xion trailed off looking up at the older.

"Another time kid, don't you have college exams this week that you need to go study for?"

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