Part Two: Chapter Forty Five

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The couple lay giggling tangled in the sheets with the younger screaming in a fit of laughter as the older was tickling him. It had started out like any other morning, the younger waking up next to the older and not being used to the act found himself watching the other sleep. And so, when the older woke and caught the younger staring he caught Xion up in a little tickle fight.

"Stop!!" Xion giggled out, his laughter getting louder by the second that was until he accidently kneed Leedo who nearly doubled over at the pain of being kneed in the nether region.

"Fuck baby that hurt." Leedo gasped out calling to the side so that he was laying on his back.

Sitting up, Xion was on his knees hovering over the other as he apologized. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I'm sorry I didn't mean it I swear!"

Suddenly he was being pulled down into a tight embrace and lips were connecting with Leedo's all of a sudden making him gasp in shock.

"I forgive you."


"So, what do you want to do today?" Leedo asked peppering soft kisses over the younger's face.

"Skip school and go somewhere." Xion answered with a serious face, he didn't want to go in. He had been a good student and went in every day of the he needed to during all their planning, right now he was just tired.

"You're lucky your dads aren't here to hear you say that." Leedo chuckled thinking of what his best friend would say to Leedo caving into letting the boy skip.

"Shut up." Xion mumbled with a pout. "And don't tell them please I just wanna spend time with you."

"Good because I need quality time with my baby." Another round of peppered kisses. "Wanna go to the beach?"

"YES!!" The younger squealed.

"Let's go get ready then, we can also make a lunch or whatever for later if you want." The older added with a smile as he watched the younger crawl out of bed before literally bouncing off to Leedo' their was still so weird for Xion to be sharing this small apartment with his boyfriend.

Leedo chuckled watching his cute little boyfriend run off rolling over to check his phone when he heard it go off with a text. He chuckled even more when he saw who it was from and the content of what said text held.

Ravn: Make sure my son goes to school! ~H

He doesn't realize he doesn't have to

put and H for himself but still don't

let my son skip

Leedo: Damn you sound so old

Ravn: Fuck you

Leedo: Nah you go Hwanwoong for that

"What are you laughing at?" Xion called from the bathroom surprised when he didn't get an answer other.

"What they don't know won't hurt them." Leedo mumbled to himself tossing the phone to the side and relaxing a bit more in bed.

"What was that babe?" Xion finally came out of the bathroom a moment, tooth brush in hand.

"Nothing just go get ready." Leedo chuckled hearing his phone blow up with follow up messages that he just ignored.

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