Chapter Twenty Eight

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A decaying stench hung in the air, a river of crimson blood covering the throne room floor like a blanket, all six immortals on their knees with each one looking up at the warriors or king who held swords to their throats. Ravn looked up at the High King before him, the one who seemed to outsmart them even after their alliance, even after he thought he was the one who was a few steps how was it that Apollyon betrayed them before they could to the same beforehand?

"Did you really think we didn't know what was going on?" The High King laughed out, bitterly eyes glaring daggers down at the king on his knees as he pressed the blade against the other's throat. "Did you not think we knew that you'd betray us the second you killed the King of Seraphic? Do you really think it was wise of you to try and underhand us?"

Hwanwoong fought all urges to move toward his king as Ravn spoke spitting out venom with each word. "How could you know your nothing more than a blockheaded nation there has to be something...something doesn't add up here how is it that you can so easily find out what we ourselves we were going to do?" Among all the dead bodies that littered the room they watched as the doors to the throne room opened and in walked a flawless untouched in battle, Bellatrix. "Mother help us!"

Her eyes brimmed with tears as she met her son's eyes for a split second before looking away and walking further into the room. She stopped by the High King's side holding out a little glass vile that held a sickly yellow liquid within its confines.

"Thank you, as promise your debt has been paid in full." Wooyoung told her taking the vile from her.

"Please just remember what I asked of you." She spoke softly.

Wooyoung chuckled lowly glaring down at the king before him. "Ah, yes spare your son's life as well as the others. But as you do know that there is a problem within that demand."

"I know, I know that's why I handed you the vile." Bella defended herself. "I also have a spell ready."

"Oh?" The king's eyes cast to the side momentarily, wide with curiosity. "Please do explain."

"Like promise my son nor will his companions get in your way, the vile and spell will help with that. You see the vile will...I've brewed up a potion that will put my son into a coma, its effects lasting as long as you live and will only wear once the last of you have passed. As for the others my spell simply erases their memories, letting them forget everything involving you or their current lives. Any time they remember a single detail the spell is to rest itself and wipes their memories once more. Again, this will last until the last of you is dead."

"And why would we let them only lose their memories verses Ravn going into a full-on coma?" San piped up questioning the witch, eyes glaring over at the woman.

"Because nothing will stop my son from getting what he wants, destroying you now was only because of the loss of Hwan but if he were given the chance, destroying you wouldn't be for that but for what is being done now. Not even erasing his memories would stop him."

"You bitch!" Ravn spat, Hwanwoong shuddering at the thought of having to lose his memory for the second time. Would he really have to remember his life all over again after just getting his memory back only weeks ago.

The witch finally looked over at her son just as Wooyoung stepped forward shoving the content of the vile down the demon king's throat. "I'm sorry."

Ravn's body slouched, Wooyoung tossing his unconscious body aside for it to splash slightly in the pooled blood surrounding them. "San rip ever single ring off their fingers and keep them in a box, witch do your damn spell."

"No, you can't keep their rings!" Bella cried only to get a glare from the High King.

"Consider this a precaution and a failsafe if your spell or potion wear off." The High King answered the woman. "I will destroy these rings if anything goes wrong now do as I saw and start your damn spell."

Bellatrix nodded shakily as the High King turned from his victims and walked away, nothing but the cries and pleas from the five remaining immortals were heard as he left his mark.

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