Part Two: Chapter Thirty Four

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Laughter has many forms, from showing your deepest and happiest emotion to your angriest. When thinking of laughter though most people tend to think of it in good ways, the belly laughs, the snorting can't breathe kinda of laughter, or the laughing so hard at something stupid or funny that you're crying. Do people forget about the other laughs? The sarcastic laughs, or the bitter ones, or what about the ones that are fueled by so much anger. That's how the man found himself laughing, tossing back his head and letting out an eerie laugh.  

"You expect me to plead for my life?" He bellowed holding his side as the bitter, anger filled laugh filled the air making the person before him tremble slightly. The raw heartbreak emotion of the falling tears through off the laughter, the man finally letting his laughter die down as his body doubled over in a screaming sob.

The person who stood before the man took a step back lowering the gun, he had held point blank aimed at the man's head. It wasn't until the screaming had stopped and another round of bitter laughing, that the gunman's blood went cold. The man still going through a rollercoaster of emotions finally moved, his body finally straightening up though his movements looked as if he were possessed. Eyes that were filled with nothing but hate, glaring at the gunman, the man was crying yes but it was a look that remained terrifying.

"There is no point of me living if..." The man pointed a finger at the lifeless corpse laying in a pool of crimson, his voice a deadly calm as he cast a lost loving look toward the body. "Pleading for my life...what life is there to plead for?" His words got louder, each word coming out in a bit of scream until the shorter raged. "I dare you to pull the fucking trigger! DO IT!"

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