Chapter Twenty Seven

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"Wait so Apollyon actually decided to help out Ravn and the others?" The younger boy questioned looking up at the older.

"They did in fact they even won the war against Seraphic." The older chuckled at the younger's questions and excitement, loving the wide innocent eyes latching on to his every word as he told the story.

"They did? What did they do with the villagers or the king? How did they manage to win? I mean not that I doubted them winning but still how did they win? Were any of the guys hurt?" The boy shot question after question nearly bouncing in his seat and turning to face the older.

"Slow down kid one question at a time." The older chuckled again.

"Okay, okay...what happened to the King of Seraphic?"

"He was killed, Ravn being the one to run his sword through the man's chest though I will tell you at first they never planned on killing him nor did they really want to. They only ever wanted to dethrone him." The older explained.

"So, what did Ravn kill him then?" The boy questioned.

"The King was trying to hurt Hwanwoong and though Ravn knew that nothing would happen to his lover, he was still triggered by the old memories. And if the version of the story I can recall hearing was the Hwanwoong cried in Ravn's arms, both from the loose of losing his father and of his own painful memories flashing back to the same time Ravn suffered through."

"That's right he would be triggered too due to his death, didn't you say he remembered watching Ravn's face twist in horror once the blade plunged through his back?" The younger cocked his head in question hoping memory served him well, he had in face been hearing this story for over two weeks now always sitting down in the park to have the older sit down within in passing to give him bits of the story. One hour a day and the story was finally coming to an end or at least that's what the boy thought, the disappointment evident in his eyes.

"Yes." The older answered.

"Damn...oh um what of the Seraphic villagers and towns people?" The younger asked.

"Well they appointed a new king to rule over them."

"Who did they appoint?" The boy asked hoping that Ravn got his wish of making one of the members a king alongside of him and Hwanwoong.

"Next question." The older stated trying to veer away from the topic.

The boy huffed out in annoyance sighing softly before looking at the other with a pointed look. "Fine, fine answer me this was it that they managed to win the war and who wall go hurt, if any?"

"Well they all did end up with minor scrapes and bruises, though it think Keonhee was it...or was it Leedo or Seoho who walked out with a gash cutting down to the bone on the arm." The older answered.

"Wow." The boy whispered.

The older gave another laugh admiring the enthralled looked the other had. "Would you like to hear how it was they won?"

"Yes!!" The boy said through excitement.

"Well most of the troops from Seraphic did back off once word had spread of their king's death but what happened after that was a little more complicated."

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