Chapter Nineteen (Edited)

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Hwanwoong woke to the feeling of being crushed and to the light soft sound of a knock before seeing the door open slowly to reveal Leedo poking his head through.

"Is anyone awake?" Leedo called into the room.

"Just me, Ravn's still asleep." The whispering newly immortal king sat up slowly, careful not to flare up his aching body. The blankets were being pulled with him, the once untouched skin of his chest showing off the prior night's events.

"Figures, he didn't sleep for the entirety of your...death or whatever the hell you want to call it." The guard answered. "Anyway, I just wanted to pop in to make sure everyone was descent before I sent the maid in to start your bath."

Hwanwoong smiled softly, blushing over the memories of the previous night. And that's when he realized he didn't have anything but the sheets covering himself, with that in mind he hiked the blankets further up his chest. "Go ahead and send her in, a bath sounds wonderful."

The guard nodded, opening the door wider stepping aside for the maid to come in. As she walked in, she traveled over to the bath hidden behind the privacy screen. Leedo walked in behind her and over to the wardrobe where he rummaged around, for a few minutes, before pulling out a silk robe. Once satisfied with the item of clothing he found, he made his way over to the younger, handing it off to the king.

"You may need this." He told him.

Taking the cloth, Hwanwoong nodded his thanks, slipping his arms through and letting the rest of the clothing pool around the blankets that covered his naked lower half. Leedo stepped away walking back to the door just as the maid came back telling the two that the bath was ready, she then rushed off.

"Take your bath and when you have the time Sybil would like to speak with you about last night. Ravnse told her something about you glowing just before you woke up or something and she wants to test it." Leedo told the younger.

"Was I not supposed to glow?"


"Oh...well tell her I'll be down after my bath then."

"Sure. Oh, and when Ravn wakes up, please remind him that we have more preparations that need to be handled before your father wages war."

"Thank you, Leedo, I will. And thank you for the bath." The younger mumbled out in a soft whisper, watching as Leedo soon left the room, closing the door behind him.

Hwanwoong now sat facing a difficult situation as he climbed from the bed trying to cause his body as little pain as possible. After what felt like an hour, he finally made it to the tub, stripping off the robe and sinking into the water that enveloped his body in a nice heat-soaked hug.

Sighing in content, the immortal king leaned back, smiling to himself. "It really worked."

The man held up his hand, staring at Ravn's ring that lay against his finger. It may not be his own he was looking but knowing that he had his own and the love of his life carried it for him, protecting and cherishing his life force...that was all he needed. The human king was so lost in thought, that he never heard the shift in the bed, nor did he catch the shadow behind the privacy fence. That was until the little peep hole was opened and a face peaked through.

"Hello, love." His demon said through a cheeky grin. The younger squeaked trying his best to cover himself, forgetting the man had already seen everything the night before, making the king chuckled to himself.

"R...Ravn!" Hwanwoong cried out.

The little peep hole was closed as the man laughed softly, rounding the privacy fence. "Scoot forward."

Without thinking, the younger did as told, moving forward for Ravn to step into the bath. The older man settled down behind the younger, wrapping his arms around the now bright red man and pulling him close. Another squeak left the lips of Hwanwoong as Ravn rested his chin on the other's shoulder, whispering into his ear.

"Good morning."

"G...good m...morning, Ravn." Hwanwoong squeaked.

"So shy, did you forget how you let me spend the night ravishing your body?" Ravn asked the younger in his arms who blushed a darker shade on red.

Hwanwoong shook his head. "No, I haven't forgotten but I do feel the effect of it today."

The younger finally relaxed a bit. Leaning back and looking up at Ravn who smirked down at him, the pride evident in the way he kissed the younger.

"By the way, Leedo told me a few things." The younger whispered as he relaxed.

"And what was that?" Ravn chuckled lowly, arms sliding around his lover.

"To remind you that we have preparations to make still." The younger smiled. "And that your mother wanted to do some testing on me as to why I was glowing yesterday."

Silence settled over them, though Hwanwoong knew the last little bothered the elder as Ravn tightened his hold. 

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