Chapter Fourteen (Edited)

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"I CAN'T FIND XION!!" The personal guard and husband of the young prince burst into the throne room, startling everyone. Out of breath, his hazel turned green eyes searched around to spot said boy. "Oh..."

The demon prince looked up at his guard, grinning sheepishly at him as he stood from the steps. "Sorry Leedo, I woke up and really couldn't really fall back asleep, so I wondered around a bit until I heard grandma arguing at the front with some of the guards."

Leedo finally relaxed, standing straight before walking into the room where Xion met him halfway, walking into his arms and pressing his head against the other's chest.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." The younger mumbled against the Leedo's chest; the elder's arms wrapped around him keeping him close.

Leedo sighed. "Just don't let me wake up in bed alone again, please."

"Where's Rhema?"

"Still asleep." The man said. "I checked her room first thinking you had gone to sleep with her again after another one of her nightmares."

Ravn cleared his throat getting the attention of the other two, Xion looking at the king with the same sheepish look he gave the guard. Though he and Leedo were married, they rarely showed it in front of others. The boy was about to say something toward his father until a loud bang came from within the palace. The Demon King's eyes darkened as he looked toward the closed throne room doors.

"I'll go check things out." Leedo was quick to answer, moving to walk toward the doors with his brother-in-law hot on his heels.

"I'll come with you, mother can you keep an eye on these two?" Ravn spoke up moving in sync with the demon guard, grabbing his sword from the war table.

"Don't worry there's no need to check anything, that was my protective barrier I put up before coming in here. I told Sol before joining me to have it tested out." The witch piped up with another soft laugh.

The men turned halfway toward the door facing the woman with a glare. Dongmyeong crossing his arms over his chest a one the the other men spoke. "You could have told..."

"We just heard a loud bang, is everyone alright?" Seoho came running through the doors, sword drawn and with a sleepy prince rubbing his eyes behind him. His body bumped into the guard who had stopped short, and he had to worry about catching him as well as stand his guard.

Yonghoon was also hot on their tail, walking in and looking around for his other half. Upon seeing his prince safely intact, he bothered not with words as he walked to the prince and listened to the others speak.

"False alarm, don't worry." Ravn answered, looking away from his mother.

"Since we're here, we should talk battle strategy." Yonghoon grumbled. "I heard from my scouts near Apollyon and they're moving about."

"I think that's the least of our worries." Dongmyeong spoke as he moved toward the war table with his husband, both ready to talk strategy. "You said they're assembling more on Seraphic than us, but that doesn't mean my own scouts near the Seraphic borders haven't seen movement."

"Dongmyeong's right." Keonhee yawned, refusing to move away from his guard, head still pressed against the other's back. "We need to talk about what we're going to do now. It's been more than a month since we've left and it's only a matter of time before our father does something. Hwanwoong knowing father, don't you agree that he'll have something up his sleeve?"

"Father would definitely have something up his sleeve, that most likely being something like taking this as a sigh of...war. Knowing him he'll take what he's learned from Ravn on Shade and turn around and prep the soldiers for battle. And from what Dongmyeong is stating he's already in the works of training the troops better." Hwanwoong answered. "That's probably what he's been doing for the last month to be honest."

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