Chapter Twenty Five

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"The kings will be here soon will they not?" Hwanwoong asked his lover in a soft voice as he walked sleepily toward the throne where the king sat, upon reaching the demon the smaller crawled into his lap like he always does. The man wrapped his arms around the smaller letting the boy burrow himself into his chest.

"I've heard they've already been arriving but since it's so late most of the kings are only stopping by to say their hellos before leaving to their rooms." Ravn answered with a heavy sigh, knowing that he couldn't go to bed with his lover until the last king arrived. "We'll also be holding a meeting here in the morning."

"What time?" The sleepy younger asked.

"You'll still be asleep love." Ravn answered, he almost hoped it'd be true not wanting the boy to be in the midst of the touching topic at hand. "Besides I don't think you'd want to hear me arguing with them. They do tend to get a bit violet when they don't have their way and thought you may be an immortal now; I still don't want you in the crosshairs if worse comes to worse."

Hwanwoong moved slightly looking up at Ravn, pouting slightly as he spoke. "Wouldn't be wise for me to be there, it is my father's kingdom we're going up against."

Ravn sighed. "No.

That comment made the sleep deprived boy sit straight up, not a single trace of tiredness in his eyes as he straddled his lover's lap looking him dead in the eyes. The pout that had graced his lips that made Ravn coo from time to time was gone, replaced by a look of determination. "You are waking me up tomorrow morning and taking me to this meeting, in fact I want our entire family there when the topic is discussed. And when I say family I mean: you, me, Bella, Xion, Seoho, my brother and Leedo. I want all of us there and I want us to be a stand front to these kings and let them know exactly who it is they are working with, what we're going to do and how exactly we're doing it."

Shocked crossed Ravn's features, his eyes staring at the other before letting out a small chuckled shaking his head. "Oh alright, why is it that you get more and more of Hwan's old personality the more time you have to remember your past life."

"I am his reincarnation after all." Hwanwoong laughed softly.

"Either way you're still a pain in the as..."

"Oh, shut up, you love me no matter how I act." Hwanwoong interrupted the king.

"I do, don't I?" The king chuckled lowly leaning in to kiss his little cheeky lover but was in interrupted by someone clearing their throat. With a groan he looked over toward the noise seeing a grinning Leedo.

"Sorry to interrupt my dear King and Queen," Hwanwoong cast a look over to the demon glaring at him as Ravn let out a soft laugh. "but the High King of Apollyon has just arrived and is wanting to speak with you a moment before he retires to his room."

Ravn shuffled around the boy in his arms a moment to get in a more comfortable and presentable position before nodding to Leedo. "Go ahead and let him in."

At his King's, Leedo walked back to the doors swinging them open and in walked the High King of Apollyon, Wooyoung, his head held high and eyes filled with powerful determination as he stared the other king down. Each step into the room, the king's eyes never left the other not even as Ravn stood from his throne to meet the High King. Stopping just below the step of the throne to look up at the other king, the High King bowed keeping his eyes locked with Ravn. As he stood back up though his eyes went from lingering on the king before him to staring almost lustfully at the boy sitting on the throne, a smiling gracing his lips.

"And who might this be?" Wooyoung asked staring the boy down.

Ravn moved to block the man's view of his beloved. "This is my husband Hwanwoong."

"As in the same prince from Seraphic?" The other asked with a raise eyebrow.

"It is indeed but him and his brother rather be here in my kingdom rather than their father's. which is why we'd like to side with you in hopes you'd help us win against an upcoming war with Seraphic." Ravn answered truthfully.

"Ah, I see that's why it is that we've been called here. I guess with tomorrow's meeting I'll be hearing the full version of the story?" The High King asked and upon getting the other King's nod he smiled, trying once more to get a glimpse of the beauty who sat behind the Daemonium king. "Well then I must bid you a good night."

"Yes, good night." Ravn answered the other his hand itching to teach the king a lesson in staring at things that wasn't his own. "Leedo please have one of the maid staff show him to his quarters."

Leedo did nothing more than nod, his eyes locking with his king's before moving back toward the doors.

"And good night to you as well prince Hwanwoong." Wooyoung smiled at the younger who peaked around Ravn who still stood blocking the view of the High King. "Perhaps I'll be seeing you at the meeting tomorrow."

Hwanwoong pulled back behind the safety of his lover, his skin crawling at the High King's words, Wooyoung moving to leave and not catching what the boy happened to mumble under his breath. "It's Queen not Prince."

Ravn, back still to his feisty Queen cracked a soft smile watching Wooyoung walk away through the doors yet as said doors closed behind the High King, Ravn let out a loose growl. "The king is a pig and I'd gladly rip his head off right here if I could."

Hwanwoong stood reaching for his King's hands that were clinched at his side. "We have to deal with this, I know we might not like it but we have to stay calm until we can defeat my father."

Ravn nodded. "I still don't like the bastard nor do I like how he looked or spoke to you."

The younger rounded the older so they were now face to face before tiptoeing up to kiss the anger from the King's lips. Another quick kiss was shared before Ravn's arms shot out to wrap around the boy before pulling their bodies tightly together stealing yet another kiss this one filled with a sweet yet lustful passion.

Pulling away the King grinned down at the other asking in a husky voice. "Did I hear you rather be referred to as Queen moments ago?"

"I'm sleeping alone tonight." Hwanwoong pulled away from his chuckling lover all together before he was caught, his movements stopping momentarily before Ravn pulled him close once again pulling the boy up in his arms. Hwanwoong's arms wrapped around the elder's neck as Ravn moved his arm that was under the younger's leg to get a better grin on the younger before starting his walk. "What are you doing?"

"Taking my Queen to bed." The smile never left the King's lips as he traveled out of the throne room and up to their bedroom, a giggling grumbling younger pouting that he couldn't trick his lover into making him think he'd be sleeping alone.

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