Part Two: Chapter Forty

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Laughing has many forms, from showing your deepest and happiest emotions to your angriest. When thinking of laughter though most people tend to think of it in a good way, the belly laughs with the snorting that leads to the kind of laugh that kinda makes it hard to breath and catch your breath. Or of the laughing so hard at something stupid or funny that you're crying or accidently spitting something out of your mouth or snorting out a drink you've been drinking. Do people forget about the other types of laughs? The sarcastic laughs, or the bitter ones, or what about the ones that are fueled by anger. Or the one of insanity dripping with every sound, the one where you can literally hear a person's heart breaking to the point of insanity or destruction.

That all was how the the heart wrecked Hwanwoong found himself laughing to himself, tossing his head back and letting out an eerie bone chilling laugh that just showed his sanity breaking.

Ravn...he was on the floor with crimson blood pooling around his body and Wooyoung standing before his lifeless corpse with a smirk on his face. The others were on their hands and knees breathing hard from their own injuries watching, it had been only a moment ago that Wooyoung had their rings destroyed and with that said Ravn wasn't faking. He was very much dead in his lover's eyes, though the man was a demon and could have survived in some way...Hwanwoong knew...he knew that the love of his life was gone.

And so, he stood there crying through his hysteric laughter, the others hadn't processed everything that had just happened with everything moving so fast. The fight had broken out and each man was littered with bullet wounds and as if in slow motion they watched as Wooyoung had taken their rings from the podium. Ravn moved to action as everyone but the two kings stilled, the two kings falling to the ground in a fight. The frozen Daemonium boys watching as the gun Wooyoung had been waving around was pulled the same time the bag was tossed to Apollyon lackey that stood close by.

Ravn's movements froze the moment the lackey caught the bag; he knew their rings were in there so why would he take such a risk in moving when it was being held hostage. Seconds later the order was given to torch the bag in hellfire, something the witch Wooyoung was working with had given him. The bag itself turned to nothing more than a pile of simmering ashes...nothing happened at first, no one died right off with the number of wounds they held. Most were demons after all, though that didn't matter the moment the Apollyon high king raised his gun to Ravn and pulled the trigger, Hwanwoong screaming as he watch his king drop. Wooyoung turned to the shorter with a wicked smile as if he were all reality he probably was next.

"You expect me to plead for my life?!?!" Hwanwoong laughed hysterically. The gun had been aimed at him almost immediately after Ravn's body hit the cold stone ground. Hwanwoong bellowing out at the barrel of the gun as he held his side as the bitter, angry laugh filled the empty room making the king before him tremble slightly.

Wooyoung almost regretted his choice in killing the other king, the raw heartbreaking emotions that filled the air was paired with streaking tears as the laughing had finally died down as bit. Hwanwoong's body had doubled over in a flash, a scream piercing the air as he moved. Wooyoung took a step back at the action, lowering he gun as he thought to himself. He hadn't even been that scary when San had died, he remembered the day well and what he remembered never sent chills down anyone's body. Never remembered having one of his demon lackey's coming up to him days later to tell him how they had worried about him or how he had scared them but no seeing Hwanwoong shook him to the core.

The screaming sob died down only to be replaced by the laugher once again, Hwanwoong propelling his body forward to tackle one of the nearest demon lackey. Grabbing the lackeys gun he shot the thing point blank before turning to a trembling Wooyoung. The shorter even noticed the others trembling too but he knew that the set was trembling for two different in fright while the Daemonium boys in rage.

Hwanwoong was still going through the rollercoaster of emotions, eyes filled with nothing but hate, glaring off toward Wooyoung with the gun aimed between the demon's eyes. The laughter finally dying a second time as he spoke once more.

"There is no point in me living if..." He pointed a finger in the general direction of his lifeless husband's corpse laying in the pool of crimson, his eyes refusing to look over at the body that sent him in an emotional spiral. "Pleading for my life...what life is there to plead for when he's gone?"

As he spoke his words got louder with each word coming out in a bit of a scream until the shorter raged out and Wooyoung moved his gun to aim at the threatening man who just tossed his gun to the side limply.

"I dare you..." The words came out in a whisper this time. "I dare you to pull the fucking trigger!! DO IT!!!"

And just as Wooyoung pulled the trigger a flash of light blinded the group, a body emerging as the light faded and there stood the bitch witch Bellatrix, the bullet dissipating with the light.

No one caught the smirk coming from the shorter that was shot over to Wooyoung as he stooped to his knees sweeping up the gun he had just dropped before picking himself back up. Once on his feet once more the two shared a short stiff nod before aiming at the witch and pulling the trigger...

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