Chapter Thirteen (Edited)

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The two had found that they couldn't fall back asleep after the early morning events. And so, they found themselves in the throne room with Hwanwoong perched on the throne reading while his husband stood towering over the war table.

"We haven't seen anything from your father in the last month." Ravn mumbled softly, before reaching over and grabbing a battle figure, moving it. "The scouts I sent out a few weeks ago haven't seen anything suspicious. Though one of my other scouts says that Apollyon is edging closer to our borders."

He moved one battle figure across the map, then another a few inches forward. Hwanwoong taking noticed and cocking his head to the side. "Why are you moving two? Shouldn't you only be moving the one with Apollyon moving?" He then thought it over a minute, thinking long and hard as to who the Apollyon's were. "And who are never really specified who the Apollyon kingdom was?"

Ravn looked over his shoulder toward his other half. "One of those figures represents you; I've always had where you were at all times." The younger blushed under the words, the Demon King not taking notice as he continued. "Apollyon is and was the kingdom that Hwan and I went up against. They were the ones who killed him and the ones who I nearly wiped out. Some of them survived without my knowledge and built up their kingdom once more. It's who I've been keeping from walls of Seraphic. And their high king who Gorm stole from created to war because of just that."

"Oh," Hwanwoong whispered softly, stretching his body from the throne before walking down to Ravn. "So, what happens now that I'm here. Does that mean they'll attack Seraphic?"

As Hwanwoong stopped beside the taller, he rested his body against Ravn, who answered back. "To be honest, I'm not sure if they'll try attacking them or waging war now that I'm no longer providing protection. If that be the case maybe, we can ally ourselves with them."

Careful not to make the other fall, Ravn spun grabbing Hwanwoong up with a smile on his face. "Little mouse, you're incredible." Ravn gathered Hwanwoong's face between his hands and pulled him in for a tender, passionate kiss. "That idea is absolutely brilliant."

"But I didn't give you an id..." Hwanwoong trailed off as someone cleared their throat behind them.

"Um, father...if you don't mind my interruption, I have a pressing matter to discuss with you." Ravn turned to face their son, Xion, sighing as his lover moved to hide behind his back in embarrassment. "Hi, Mother."

"Hello my darling child." The newly crowned king hid, poking his head around the other king seeing just who it was before walking over and pulling his son into a tight hug. Though pulling away he protested. "Wait I'm not a mother, I'm a male!"

Xion looked at the other. "You're the one who would have given birth to me and Dongmyeong so in a way, yes, you are my mother and if I call you anything it would be that. Dongmyeong would say the same." The demon prince was grinning at a red face Hwanwoong, enjoying his teasing.

"He's your son. They're your children." Hwanwoong growled out, turning to glare at the demon king.

Sheepishly, Ravn looked away redirecting the conversation, though he did shoot a wink toward his husband.

"Xion it's early, I know why your mother and I are up but what's so pressing that you are?" The king mumbled as a yawn brushed past his lips, Hwanwoong parting from the hug to walk back toward Ravn. "Not even your brother rises this early."

"Grandma..." The young prince answered. "She's here."

"She's still alive?" Hwanwoong questioned, wrapping his arm around one of the demon king's. "She can't be over three hundred years old...can she?"

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