Part Two: Chapter Forty One

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The unrespecting bitch witch dropped to the ground gasping out in shock and the for some reason the need to breath not processing what had just happened to her. She had dodged Wooyoung's bullet or well let it hit where it wasn't vital such as letting it graze her shoulder but what she never expected was the second shot nor it being from behind. She never expected the shot from behind her nor did she ever think that the small husband of her son would shoot the gun at her not once but twice. He had never anticipated her to try dodging Wooyoung's shot and when he finally noticed where the first bullet had lodged itself, he was surprised to see that it was mere inches from her heart yet he still pulled the trigger a second time.

"" She was on her knees clinching at her chest breathing out hard as she tried to cast a look behind her shoulder.

Hwanwoong finally circled the witch coming into her view from behind, a small smile on his face as he spoke. "I'm not sorry I shot you only sorry I missed." He dropped down to crouch in front of her, his eyes showing the fire in his heart. "You ruined a lot in my my family's life."

Bellatrix's eyes widened up at him, horror stricken. They widened even more as Hwanwoong stood and saw someone walking up behind the unsuspecting man taking the gun from him.

"I'll take it from here princess." Ravn mumbled pressing a soft quick kiss to his husband's head.

The shorter didn't bother arguing with his lover as he moved to walk behind the older, slouching against Ravn's back and resting his forehead there. He was tired, he needed his strength back and the man before him was the only one to provide the means to get it back.

"B...but you...were dead..." Bella gasped out looking at her perfectly intact and alive son, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

"Acting mother." Ravn growled before a soft compliment left his lips, his eyes barely cast over his shoulders to catch a glimpse of Hwanwoong. "My husband deserves a fucking award for that performance damn.

"" She gasped spitting up some of her own blood in the process.

Wooyoung stepped forward, next to Ravn and somehow managing to keep Hwanwoong out of the glaring eyes of the witch. "Well, you see this would have been a totally different story if you hadn't have told them I was alive. After they found out they came to my back stabbing lackey who gave them the plans and asked for a meeting with me. From there we discussed a deal that was too good to pass up."

"Which was..." She coughed stopping her words but she didn't need to say more than what she already had.

"Killing you." Wooyoung answered. "All in return for their rings and their help bringing my family back, you see I don't trust my witch either."

"So, you actually took the deal?"

Wooyoung nodded.

"It was pretty simple actually to form a truce with each other. We may have hated each other in the past but once we aired out our differences and disagreements, we came to the realization that we wanted the same protect our families." Ravn answered looking his mother over. "From there it was a no brainer in getting things settled and planned out before we worked our plan with you.

"It even helped us to only fake one death instead of two like we had originally planned." Hwanwoong added poking his head around his demon's shoulder. "My poor little baby boy didn't have to go through what I just went through."

"I'm sorry love, I know it was hard to watch even knowing it was all fake." Ravn mumbled over his shoulder, Hwanwoong just nodding against the elder's back as he moved back to his original position. "Now motion, I'm going to ask for one thing and one thing only."

"What?" Bellatrix spat out.

"Your grimoire, where is it?" He asked looking her over.

Bella let out an eerie laugh throwing her head back yet gasped out in pain as her body rocked with the movements. She took a minute of coughing up the crimson liquid before sighing in defeat. "You've always had it...that book that no one but you lot can read...yeah that was how I hide it. If you would only use your own magic against the book that I wrote about your life then you would have noticed it was the grimoire in disguise.

"Thank you." Ravn nodded aiming the gun.

"J...just one last thing before you kill me." She mumbled coughing. "The had a mind of its own so if you don't go to it with pure intentions it will not reveal itself to you."

"Is that all?" Ravn questioned.

Bellatrix nodded and just like that Ravn pulled the trigger...the witch slumping against the ground.

A moment of silence settled over the room before Ravn turned dropping the gun and taking his shrimpy lover into his arms, hugging him tight. It was in that moment that their family finally moved all rushing to the two of them and taking them into one giant group hug.

"Thank you." Wooyoung said after they all parted from each other, Hwanwoong off fawning his sons bloodied face.

Ravn nodded toward the other king.

Wooyoung smiled for the first time since they meet taking out the small hidden sack and tossing it over toward Ravn. "Your rings as promised."

Ravn caught the bag opening to find all six rings, his body finally relaxing before he spoke up. "Mind giving us a day or two to settle down before I help with the grimoire?"

"Yeah, that's fine, I still have to find the others and their bodies. Which would you be able to help us with getting our own rings like you guys?" Wooyoung asked.

"I can try, I rarely ever used my powers as a witch...warlock or whatever the hell you wanna call what being a witch's son would be." Ravn gave a short laugh.

"That's fine I'm willing to help test it out." Wooyoung smiled again laughing with the other. "Anyway, you have all the time you need I'll text you when I'm ready for that grimoire."


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