Chapter Twenty One (Edited)

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"I know in most areas its customary for the king and his queen to sit across from one another." Ravn's mouth quirked up in a teasing smile. By now the two had found their way to the dining hall where the rest of their small family sat. "But would you please do me the honor of staying by my side, Hwanwoong?"

The younger gave his lover a stern look though he nodded. Ignoring the pout from Hwanwoong, they sat down together. Side by side now, they watched as a few of the servants came out bringing them their food. The two taking time to greet the rest at the table, the group still snickering between each other.

"Did you just refer to my brother as your queen?" Keonhee chuckled.

"I am not!" The young king finally snapped, his anger though it was directed at his brother and not the lover who called him such. "I'm a king!"

Ravn chuckled next to his lover, the teasing tone never leaving his voice. "I do recall making a vow with you centuries ago that claims you as my husband. And as of a few weeks ago you took the crown to rule beside me, so I do believe that makes you, my queen."

"Am not, I'm a king too!" The man argued, grey eyes blazing up at Ravn. "That ceremony proved I am king; nothing was said of me being queen."

The demon king shook his head through a soft laugh, voice turning serious. "I know we haven't talked much after your coronation but no matter the roles, I'd like it if you took on the role of a queen. I don't want you suffering some of the roles a king does. That I have had to over the centuries."

Hwanwoong pouted but nodded regardless. "Fine."

Though Ravn was right in the two of them not being able to talk things over, he somewhat agreed with what he had to say. The young king knew just by looking at the hard exterior of Ravn that the weight of being king was daunting. He knew that his demon king was saying this, not to offend but to chase away the burden he would have to face. He knew that the older didn't want him going through the same though they may rule side by side.

"Thank y..."

"Ah, Xion is Rhema alright, I never did ask how she took seeing all this within the last few weeks?" Hwanwoong interrupted the man next to him. Though the question was true in wanting an answer, Ravn knew different. He smirked at the smaller's level of sass dripping with every word in mock of his husband's arrogance.

"She was a bit startled at first, but she's calmed down a lot too. It's just that she saw this in one of her visions and she didn't see the outcome. But she's fine now." The demon prince spoke his answer in a soft voice. He cast a look at the little girl who sat between him and Leedo, swinger her feet back in forth in the chair as she played with her food.

"Good." Hwanwoong smiled. "I'm happy."

"Was grandma able to help you figure out why you were glowing?" Xion asked, cocking his head to the side.

"Turns out to first witch chose me to be her vessel after becoming bored in life. She's grown fond of me and my family so when I didn't make it through the immortality process, she gave me her immortality and brought me back to life."

The jaws of everyone at the table dropped.


"Valter will have his forces coming from here." Ravn moved one of the war figures on the table. "The scouts have spotted Apollyon here..."

Their late breakfast had long been over, the group finding themselves littering the throne room floor. The familiars lay on the throne, Rhema in her fox form was curled up with the raven. Then there was Hwanwoong who was now practicing his swordsmanship with Keonhee. Ravn, Leedo, Yonghoon, Seoho and the twins all stood around the war table discussing the upcoming war.

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