Chapter Twenty Two

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"Is this story even real?" The boy asked the man sitting next to him. "There's no such thing as demons nor is there such a thing as immortality so why are you even telling me all this? I wanted a true story not some made up one."

"Really because this is a part of that's not in the history books yet it's part of your heritage." The man told the whining boy.

"There's no way I'm related to any of them." The boy argued. "Besides aren't they all gay anyway, it's not like they can have any actual kids."

The older smacked the mouthy younger upside the head with a low chuckled. "Have you not been listening to anything I've had to say about any of this?"

"I mean kinda." The boy answered.

"If a witch was able to help Hwan conceive don't you think it's possible that they had another kid other than the reincarnated Xion? Or that the others didn't want to have children of their own." The man asked the boy who just pouted in response.

"I mean if it were real then sure..."

The older gave out another chuckle shaking his head as he stood ruffling the boy's hair next to him in the process. "Then I'll be on my way then."

The man was just about to start his walk away from the younger when said boy shot out his hand catching the elder's wrist stopping him in his tracks. "No, wait!"

"You want more don't you?" The man looked back over his shoulder at the younger, a smirk on his lips as the boy looked away.


The elder sat back down shaking his head yet again. "Ah okay, now, where was I?"

"They were preparing for Apollyon's response on the peace and alliance."

"Yes, yes...let's see..."

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