Part Two: Chapter Forty Two

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Wooyoung was bouncing next to his lover who held his hand as if trying to keep him from bouncing off. Ravn stood in front of the row of six lifeless bodies each with a ring upon their fingers, Hwanwoong by his demon king's side with the grimoire in hand reading off what his husband needed to do.

"Babe can you hold out the book for me, I need to read out the spell." Ravn mumbled in thought not catching the shorter nod but catching the movement of the giant book being moved his way. Casting a look to read the page his face formed a frown as he spoke. "Wooyoung do you have something that each one of them owned at one point? I can't complete this spell without their souls intact so something they owned would be the next closest thing to bringing their souls back to their bodies and binding their rings to them."

"I thought that might be the case so we brought some of their favorite thing," Wooyoung spoke up, his bouncing only stopping momentarily.

"Even better." Ravn grinned toward the other demon before turning back to the book, the frown returning. "If you could get their things and give them whatever object is theirs, if you have any lovers in the group make sure that they have something of their lover's as well that way their souls bind together."

Wooyoung nodded having his own little demon lackey bring forth the bag of objects, him and San taking the bag and going through each item before walking over to place them each by their respected owner, the lovers getting bits of their other half item. After each thing was placed in their rightful spot, they took a step back nodding to the other demon who then started to chant the spell under his breath.

Hwanwoong stood there watching in awe as his husband chant, the sound feeling so magical and bringing him back to the past of how he himself became immortal. It felt like he was back in that day listening to the others becoming immortals first before his own ritual had begun. He smiled at the fond memory even though it had everyone worried when he didn't wake up for the few days but it was still good memories nonetheless. And just as the memories came, they left just as fast when the chanting began to die down.

Ravn took a step back pulling Hwanwoong into his side in a tight grip making the shorter think he had felt the old memories and the pain it had brought him. Taking a minute to himself so that he could calm his nerves, he looked toward Wooyoung to speak.

"It's done but to be honest I'm not sure how long it will take for each one of them to wake up...when he did something similar to this with Hwanwoong it took him a few days and he had theoretically died that day so I didn't think he'd wake up at all. Though I'll do my best to keep an eye on them, I'm just happen the grimoire updated with the era or we would have done this a bit differently."

"Thank you." Wooyoung looked at the other demon, thankful they had meet and settled on the deal they had discussed.

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