Part Two: Chapter Thirty Two

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Hwanwoong sighed heavily looking around the empty quiet house, it was like this every night yet tonight of all nights just seemed harder to deal with the silence then the rest. Most nights he was okay with the silence but tonight it was eating him alive, maybe if he busied himself or put on some soft music it would be better. At the thought another sigh left his lips as he finally moved to scurry around the house, turning on soft music and cleaning various things. It was a feeble attempt to get his mind off of the man that lay in a coma in the next room, it was times like this where he just wished the man would wake up and take him in his arms. He wished the man would just hole him and tell him that everything would be alright.

He was just finishing up the last of his things around the house when he heard a soft knock on the door, his eyes traveling to the hanging wall clock to see that it was well into the night.

"Who could be at the door at this time of night?" He asked himself as he slowly moved toward the front door. Stopping short he looked through the little peephole only to see a small group of three men standing outside the door looking awkward yet determined. Seeing no harm being done, he cautiously and slowly opened the door staring them down. "Can I help you?"

"Hwanwoong..." The man before him mumbled in a dumbfounded manner.

Hwanwoong cocked his head to the side wondering to himself why one of the men in front of him knew his name. " I know you?"

"Kinda..." The man before him spoke before pointing to himself and the other two around him. "My name's Keonhee, and this is Leedo and my boyfriend Seoho. Can we come in to talk with you a moment? We promise not to take up too much of your time."

He nodded at the man. "Um...sure I guess, just go in and take a left into the living room I'll be there in a moment I need to check in on my husband before I speak with you and no, he will not be joining us. He's um...uh sick."

Hwanwoong stepped aside widening the door for the men to enter and letting the three-walk passed him and into his home, he was just about to close the door behind them when he heard someone call out to him.

"Hwanwoong!" It was Xion, the boy he had been telling stories to for over a month now. The boy was waving his arms as he rushed down the sidewalk and toward the house shocking the older.

"Xion what are you doing here?" He asked. "I thought we weren't meeting until tomorrow."

"I know, I know but I wanted to visit you and your husband for a bit before I went back home. Remember you said that I could come stop by on my way home from the library no matter how late it may be." The boy told him finally stopping short in front of the man standing out on the front porch.

"Oh yeah I did tell you that." Hwanwoong mumbled mostly to himself thinking back to the time when he had told the boy to stop by any time he liked. "Come on in, I do have some guest in right now but I'm sure they won't mind seeming how I had invited you over here first and they just randomly showed up."

The boy nodded stepping into the house letting Hwanwoong finally being able to close the front door. "Have you found a roommate yet to help you pay your rent?"

"No, not yet and the rent is right around the corner." The boy pouted.

"My offer still stands on helping you out, you know, that right?" Hwanwoong stated to the younger.

"I know." Xion answered back. "And I don't see why it is that you're so kind to me, we've only known each other a short amount of time."

"Because you're a good kid." Hwanwoong said patting the boy's shoulder guiding him through the house toward the back room where his husband lay, he was smiling softly to himself once they reached the room and watched as the nearly ran into the room. Xion moved over to sit down by the bed jabbering away about his day to the unconscious male like it was a normal day, the man lying motionless in bed not fazing the younger.

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