Chapter Twenty Four

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A decaying stench hung in the air, a river of crimson blood covering the throne room floor like a blanket, all six immortals on their knees with each one looking up at the warriors who held swords to their throats. Ravn looked up at the man before him, the one who seemed to outsmart them even after their alliance with Apollyon...

"Wait!" The boy asked the older man sitting next to him. "You can't just start the story like that!"

"What do you mean?" The other asked. "Oh, course I can."

"What do you mean!?! What you mean is that you ended the story just before the Apollyon kings arrived in can you start with them at the end of a battle?" The boy whined out glaring at the older man who just seemed to smile over at him.

"Did I really do that?" The smile never faded as he looked the boy over. "Well I guess I should start off with how they got there, huh?"

"Yes, yes you should." The boy grumbled.

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