Chapter Twenty (Edited)

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A little over an hour and a half later the two had dressed before making their way down to meet with the witch. Hwanwoong's hand was wrapped in Ravn's arm, the Demon King leading the younger, but the simple act was much more than what it was. The demon didn't want to lose the feeling of the younger's touch, he had gone too long without it.

"You said my mother wants to do testing?" Ravn growled lowly then sighed heavily. "Can't she wait and let us relax for the time being. You just woke up; we don't need to go through anything else."

"I know but I'd feel better knowing why it happened and that it's out of the way so we can focus on the more important things."

"I still don't like it."

"Neither do I but from what she told Leedo; me glowing wasn't supposed to happen." The younger king spoke. "We need to make sure nothing went wrong and that I'm actually immortal."

"You're immortal, I can feel it." Ravn told him.

"I believe you but still, there's more questions than answers at this point and I'd like if we found out as much as we can. Theoretically I shouldn't be alive." Another growl came from the other king and Hwanwoong immediately shushed his protecting husband by speaking again. "I know I was so confident but and I don't know why I think I shouldn't be alive, but I just have a feeling that this wasn't what the gods had planned for me. But I am alive, and I'd like to know why."

They finally made it downstairs walking into the throne room where they met Sybil who was sitting at the war table with Sol.

"Hwanwoong, dear, thank the gods above everything worked out well." The woman was up from her chair walking over to tightly hug the young man.

"Thank you for everything, this wouldn't have been possible without you." The man said with a wide smile hugging her back. "But I think we both know there's more that needs to be discussed on why I'm still alive."

Her smile faded. "So, you've figured our you're not supposed to be alive."

"I was right to assume so, I see." Hwanwoong whispered, getting a nod in return.

"What kind of tests will you being running on him." Ravn demanded, crossing his arms as they all moved back toward the war table.

"Straight to the point."

"Well, when I hear both my husband and mother say he shouldn't be alive, it bothers me. Granted I'm happy he's alive and that's all I really care about but I'm more worried on the phycological damage this might do to him. Hearing he wasn't supposed to be alive can be a lot and I need to make sure he's perfectly fine after all this." Ravn growled lowly. "My concern now is you; you look as if you haven't slept yet and you were up for days. Are you truly okay to be running tests on him when you haven't even rested properly yet?"

"It's true I haven't slept."

"Exactly why I think this should wait." The demon told her. "You need sleep before we go any further."

Sybil shook her head. "No, I have a theory that needs to be tested. I've been up all night going through my grimoire and won't be able to sleep until I know for sure."

With a heavy sigh, Ravn nodded. "Fine but why is it that you've been going through your grimoire? I thought it only held your spells."

She smiled softly at them as she took a seat at the table, the mentioned grimoire sitting in front of her. "Because you took the job of being Hwan' guard, I never got to tell you of the grimoire or pass it down to you. And then you left too fast with the twins for me to even give it to you that I've kept it until now. Technically this grimoire should be yours by now but that's beside the point.

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