Chapter Three (Edited)

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The warlock reached over to press a tender kiss upon his tiny lover's forehead, but what he found had him frowning to himself. Hwan was flushed, head burning with a fever and what made it worse was the prince's clamminess.

Waking up to a sick lover, who, for one still had toxin coursing through his body and two, who he had just married a little under a month and a half ago; it was terrifying. He wasn't ready to let his lover go, so the guard found himself bounding from the bed and gathering up his mother, the grimoire and a damp cloth.

"What are you going on about, my son?" Sybil chuckled softly, watching her boy.

"My little mouse has a fever." He huffed. "Remember the toxin I was telling you about?"

She nodded.

"I feel like it's come back." Ravn answered.

"But I just gave him something to slow the effects a few weeks ago." She mumbled before her eyes widened. "Let me take if from here, you go tend to the breakfast."

Frowning, he spoke. "Mother, he is my husband. It should be me taking care of him. I only need your help with a spell I learned for him. It's stronger with two and I'd like to give Calcifer a magical break."

"I will help you after I figure out the problem." She insisted. "It could just be the potion I gave him having a negative effect. Go tend to the breakfast."

The man huffed; there was no reason to fight with his mother, she would win regardless.


Ravn opened his eyes glaring up at the white and gold chandelier dangling above him, Calcifer just within the edges of his vision as the bird sat perched upon the throne. Why must his memory pick now to remind him of his three-hundred-year-old past? That would explain a lot, that memory. Why much it them remind him of every little detail of the younger's death? Of how he lost the love of his life and himself? How he...fuck it!

Ravn stood from the throne he lingered upon. Calcifer squawking at his master, who kicked at the gold lined white carpet, before spinning to look up at the sword that sat mounted above the seat. His body letting the silence around him feed his yearning heart. What he wouldn't give to have his little mouse back or for his reincarnation to remember their past.

"My King, we're assembling the army." A Shade warrior, a banshee, clad in a black and red armor set, from Ravn's personal infantry spoke, breaking the silence as he ran up to kneel before the empty throne and the 'Demon King' standing before it, head bowed in respect.

Sighing heavily, Ravn finally turned to face the banshee. "Remember to keep them ready, I'm not losing my Prince again." He stepped from the throne, saber hanging loosely against his side as he descended the stairs that lead up to his dreaded crown. He only became King to have and support who ever and whatever Hwan reincarnated into. The crown was a sign of power the King put into making sure that what happened to Hwan would never happen again. "Send out the scouts and have them report back in on the Apollyon Shade and what they have planned, do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, my King." The banshee answered as he stood bowing once more before promptly leaving through the opening throne room doors bowing yet again as he passed the crowned prince that walked in.

"Father?" Xion, the crowned prince of Daemonium, walked in eyeing the king.

"Hmm?" Ravn looked up, meeting the sharp eyes of his son, the color of his eyes something he had picked up from the one who bore him.

"Are you alright?" Xion asked, looking the other over practically seeing the tension radiating off the King's body. "You seem more stressed than usual."

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