Chapter Twelve (Edited)

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Nights together were the hardest part of their relationship. Though both men were comfortable sharing a room like they did even back when they were in Seraphic, sharing a bed was something else. Out of the few weeks in Daemonium they had shared a bed only once, every other night the Demon King slept in the chair across the room or other nights we would stand guard outside on his balcony. He was just too used to keeping guard over his other half.

Tonight, of all nights was no exception even with it being the night before Hwanwoong's coronation. Ravn stood in front of the closed balcony doors; curtains drawn back just enough for him to look through as he focused his eyes on the horizon. He knew he didn't have to keep doing this, but old habits die hard.

He sighed heavily, looking over toward the sleeping prince. The younger was fast asleep though, Ravn took notice of the little bit of sweat beating against Hwanwoong's forehead.

"Is he having a nightmare?" Ravn whispered to himself, turning from the windowed door and moving toward the younger.

Settling himself on the edge of the bed, he brushed the stray blonde hair from Hwanwoong's face. Upon the touch of his lover, Hwanwoong's body relaxed making Ravn smile a bit. The King stayed like that a while before sleep clouded his mind, yawning he was going to get up and move toward his chair when Hwanwoong started to whimper the moment Ravn moved his touch.

Testing out the waters, Ravn brushed the younger's face with the pads of his fingers. The soft whimpers stopped until Ravn pulled his hand away, the noise starting up again.

"I guess I'll stay here tonight." Ravn whispered, pulling away earning more whimpers before settling in the emptiness beside Hwanwoong. Pulling him close, Ravn settled his face in the crook of Hwanwoong's neck before succumbing to a dreamless sleep.


They were minutes away from the coronation. The people of Daemonium had gathered already been informed of the coming day and had gathered around the front of the castle. The grand staircase that led to the castle doors served as their stage. The young prince of Seraphic was scared to be their next king, and he could swear the people of this kingdom feared he his lack of confidence. Would he be a good king to rule with their current one?

"Are you ready?" Ravn spoke softly to his other half. He was standing next to the other holding Hwanwoong's hand, his crowned head held high as he looked into the crowd.

"No," Hwanwoong whispered back casting a sideways look up at Ravn. This Ravn, the King in front of his people, looked so different compared to his Ravn. Demon King Ravn held a hard edge in his stance, his mouth set in a firm line and green eyes holding the power he knew he held. Where was his soft Ravn, the Ravn meant only for him? "Am I really meant to be King?"

The corner of Ravn's lips quirked up. "Always."

Those close enough to the stage they stood upon were shocked to see the King smile. But then they figured it all had to do with the shorter next to him.

And just like that the ceremony began. And what felt like hours, Hwanwoong vowed to rule prosperously and courageously next to his husband. He vowed to the people that he would be fair and just. And he vowed to rule without a corrupt heart. After his vows it was time for the crown to be placed though Ravn stopped the priest that was going to be placing the crown.

"May I?" Ravn asked rather than commanded, though you could still hear a bit of a hard edge in his voice.

The priest just nodded, bowing and holding out the crown toward the King. Taking the crown, similar to his own, he turned to face Hwanwoong.

"My love." He held up the crown up signaling for the other to lower his head.

Bowing slightly before his King, his equal, Hwanwoong let Ravn place the crown atop his head.

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