Chapter Fifteen (Edited)

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The group found themselves standing around an open patch within the small garden a few days later, a small fire flickering before them. A table was set up to the side, where Sybil stood, mulling over her grimoire, with two ring molds and other supplies sitting off beside her. Her hands were resting on the table, a simmering caldron of melted silver and due to her magic, it had kept its temperature at a liquid state. Even her own familiar, an Imp named Sol, prowled around his master watching. The two were quite a pair and though he may be just watching now, Hwanwoong knew deep down she was most likely asking and using his power in correlation with her to make the spells stronger. It was something he had seen before with the twins, and it was something he was sure he'd see again.

"Hwanwoong, my child, you know your risks and have had the week to think them over." The witch stated loud enough for the group to hear. "Does your answer still remain the same?"

"Yes, it does." He stepped forward nodding, eyes lingering toward his husband.

"Ravn, do you accept his choice and even though your risk may be small in comparison to his, do you accept the process of destroying your ring?"

"I accept." Ravn held his head high as his body shook in fear for his lover.

"And boys, are you willing to help me where needed?"

The six-remaining nodded.

"Then let's start." Sybil stated with a heavy sigh, pushing herself to stand tall and unfazed. She looked at the two boys who would undergo this process, tears brimming in her eyes. Though this was a stupid dangerous option, it meant that both men would no longer have to part from one another.

"Mother...can you give me a minute with Hwanwoong before we start? I want to have a moment with case." Ravn spoke, looking at the boy before him. Gently, he took the smaller's arm as the witch nodded, pulling the young king to him. Arms wrapping around the younger in a tight hold, the demon king mumbled out. "I love you, you stupid human."

Hwanwoong smiled up at his king. "You'll thank me later when this works."

"And what if it doesn't love, my life has always been with you." Ravn argued.

"I'll make it, I promise." Hwanwoong said in a soft voice.

"You better hope you do." Ravn breathed out, pulling the younger into a deep passionate kiss. Their world seemed as if it stopped just for their little moment, both men praying to the gods that this would work out in their favor. Parting, Ravn pressed his forehead against Hwanwoong's, reaching up to trace his face. "Please come back to me alright."

Hwanwoong barley nodded with the full reality of what he was doing, finally hitting him. Of the conversation he held with Ravn the night before, tears threatening to escape. He didn't want to leave Ravn, not this soon. He was scared, he was finally feeling the effects of his decision. Oh, how he prayed that this all worked out for them both.

"Love, you don't have to do this." Ravn whispered, reaching out for his lover. "We can stop now."

The younger shook his head. "No, I have to do this. I have to stay with you and the twins, always."

"Okay..." The demon king breathed. "Just remember...forever and always, you and me..." He gestured back toward their family. "Us."

"We're ready." Ravn pulled away, the touch of the lover still lingering.

"Okay, Hwanwoong may I have Ravn's ring?" Sybil asked, walking over to the two of them and holding out her hand for said ring.

Hesitation ran through Hwanwoong's body; he had never willingly given this ring to anyone other than Ravn. And after knowing the demon's life was tied to it, he was even more apprehensive to give it up. The king looked down at the ring against his finger. Taking a long pause, he finally pulling it off and handing it over to the witch, eyes pained as he watched her take it.

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