Part Two: Chapter Forty Four

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Seoho stood leaning in the doorway of his lover's study, the man reading through one of the many books that had been stacked along the desk with a few littering the ground around him. Just seeing his other half had him smiling, Keonhee was in glasses with a pen shoved behind his ear as he slouched over the book another pen in hand as he wrote down in the notebook, he had laying out beside the text book.

"Babe what are you doing?" Seoho tried asking but the boy ignored him continuing away with his work.

Seoho pushed himself off the doorframe and moved into the room walking up behind his boyfriend and leaning over him and whispering softly into Keonhee's ear.

"Babe?" His voice was low sending shivers down Keonhee's spine. "What are you doing?"

Leaning back in his chair and casting a look up at his other half, Keonhee stammered out. "Hi..."

Seoho still hovering, chucked lowly at his blushing boyfriend. "Hi, you gonna tell me why I've been ignored all afternoon after getting home from work?"

"Oh..." Keonhee looked toward one of their clocks. "I'm sorry I didn't realize it was so late."

"It's okay babe."

Keonhee looked up with a cheeky smile puckering up his lips asking for a kiss, Seoho immediately leaning down to kiss the other in a soft yet passionate show of affection. Once they pulled away was when Keonhee finally showed the other what he had been working on.

"I figured since I was a history teacher that I could go through our history from what others have written about up and find what was right or wrong and fix everything. I want to be able to rewrite everything and finally put out a text book that actually shows the right version of our history and I mean everything. From Hwan dying to my brother being the reincarnation to our memory wipe and now this...I want people to know our real history even the supernatural bits. Though if I write names, I'm changing them up."

Seoho's eyes widened at his boyfriend's work amazed that the man had pulled all this off already. "Wow...that's amazing babe, do you need or want any help?"

Keonhee shook his head but stopped when an idea suddenly came to him, giggling as he looked over at Seoho. "Yes, I need help! Distract me. I've been working on this all day and need a break."

Grinning, Seoho kissed the other's cheek before pulling him up from the desk. "Good cause I got a date planned out for us."

"Where?" Was the only question that left Keonhee's lips as he let the other lead him away.

"Living room for a movie night." Seoho said matter-of-factly. "Even bought movie theater type snacks and I figured we've been so stressed out lately that a night in a home would give us time together and a way to unwind from all the stress. Everything is over and we can just live happily ever after."

Keonhee giggled smacking the other. "Cheesy bastard."

"You love me." Seoho countered spinning his other half to face him.

"I do, and to think I meet his shy guard who wanted nothing more than to keep away from me as much as his job could possibly let him before confessing to me. And to think you were so shy because you were..."

"Crushing on you." Seoho chuckled leaning in to kiss the other. "I was so nervous that day when you told me how much your father would hate the idea of our kind of relationship. It made confessing harder and a lot more stressful at the thought of your rejecting me."

"But I didn't." Keonhee smiled.

"You didn't, yeah." Seoho smiled. "And who would have thought we'd be like this today."

Keonhee reached for another kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too."

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