Part Two: Chapter Thirty One

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Keonhee was the first to get in most days while other times he was the last to leave always putting himself into his work. He was one to put himself into bury himself in his work yet these last few days were more stressful than most with what seemed like memories of his past coming to life. At first it was one thing at a time, like the fact that he was once a prince or that he had a brother named Hwanwoong. But it was the memories of his soulmate and lover that came to mind seeing the face of his soulmate he had longed to see yet never thought he would. He doesn't remember much about the man he once loved but he did remember his face and name, Seoho.

"Why does it have to be now of all the times in the world that these memories have to come back?" The sigh left his lips in frustration as he fiddled around with his paperwork, some of it consisting of graded papers while some others consisted of the answer sheets. It was there that he stumbled upon a name he found to look very familiar. "Xion...could you really be my nephew?"

Starring at the paper the man now sat torn between who he wanted to find first, Seoho or Xion...It was in that moment that he pushed himself up from his desk finally making a decision on who it was he wanted to talk with first about their memories but first he needed some king of coffee to help easy his dreary mind. Walking out of his office and calling it a night he made his way to his car and around town finding the only coffee shop still open past...he looked down at this watch seeing that it was a little passed midnight. Thankfully it was only a weakened so he'd be able to sleep in the next morning instead of giving to worry about class the next morning.

Once parked Keonhee found himself walking up to the shop and slipping through the door his breath caught in his throat as he spotted a man behind the counter reading a book. The features and couldn't be, how could it.

"Seoho," Keonhee whispered to himself making the boy look up at the small noise.

"Oh hi!" Seoho called out looking up from his book smiling brightly toward the other "Welcome what can I get started for you?"

"" Keonhee trailed off not knowing what to say or how to say it.

Seoho chuckled cocking his head to the side. "Is there a specific type you're looking to get?"

Keonhee shook his head now knowing what to say to the other, just staring blankly at Seoho. "Surprise me, I guess."

"Sure thing, Keonhee." Seoho said making his and the professor's eyes widen. " I don't know why I just called you that."

"I...that is my name..." Keonhee mumbled softly staring the other down.

"How did I know that?" Seoho questioned.

Keonhee was silent not sure on what to say to the other forcing his eyes down and away from the prying eyes of the other who started laughing his ass off making Keonhee immediately look up. Seoho was grinning wide before rounding the corner walking toward Keonhee and then past him toward the door, turning off the open sigh and locking the door before turning back over to the other still laughing.

"Do you really think I'd ever forget the love of my life?" Seoho questioned yet Keonhee's body physically relaxed smiling over toward the man who walked up to him, grabbing his arms and pulling him in for a deep kiss. When the two parted, Seoho pressed his forehead to the other laughing softly. "God I've missed you."

The professor chucked softly finally remembering everything that felt fuzzy to him. "I've missed you too. God how long ago did you get your memories back?"

The two pulled from each other before Seoho moved toward the counter grabbing Keonhee's hand and pulling him to sit down in the stool behind the register. "So I gotta clean up a bit but um...I started remembering something within the last few days but it didn't fully hit me until you walked in. I figured I'd tease you a bit before telling you."

"And what if I didn't remember huh? What would you have done?" Keonhee questioned with a laugh as Seoho stole another kiss.

"Then you wouldn't have been so flustered like you were." Seoho answered.

Sharing a soft smile between one another they let a comfortable silence settle over them as Seoho pulled away starting up his cleaning routine, which wasn't much mind you seeming how he had a majority of the shot cleaned up due to the lack of customers, he just needed to clean up the things he couldn't touched until close. Keonhee had picked up the other's book reading it himself he let his other half hope from one thing to another until he had thought of something that caused him to set aside the book and speak up.

"Hey Seoho?"


"Us remembering means the last of Apollyon is dead right?" Keonhee questioned looking toward the boy who stopped shot.

"I believe so unless that damn witch's spell fucked up somewhere along the way but time frame wise, we've been like this for at least a thousand years or more." Seoho answered groaning at the thought.

"You're right." Keonhee answered with a soft sigh. "But we do need to find the others in hope that they've regained their memories as well."

"Any ideas on where to start first?" Seoho asked.

"Well Xion is in one of my college courses I teach." Keonhee answered creating a small paused to settle between the two as the one working around the shop stopped short looking toward his other half.

"You teach?" He breathed looking fondly at the other. "It suits you."

Keonhee blushed looking away. "And you being's brought out more of your cute side. I like it."

"I'm not cute." The other argued.

"Sure, you are." Keonhee laughed.

And just like that another silence settled over the two, Seoho finishing up what ws needed before pulling Keonhee out of the back door with him once he clocked out. The two were just making their way into the parking lot and toward Seoho's car when the older paused.

"What to come over?" He asked looking toward the other.

"Yes please!" Keonhee laughed wrapping their fingers together and Seoho started up their walk once more, pulling them toward his car which once there became the gentleman he was and opened the passenger side door for the younger. "But my car..."

"We'll get it later alright, right now I want to spend as much time with you as possible. I have a thousand years to make up for." Seoho answered back looking the other over, Keonhee just nodding with a soft smile on his face as he slid into the car.

"Hey Seoho?"

"Yeah, Keonhee?"

"Can we actually tell the others about us when we find them?" The younger questioned timidly, they had always kept their relationship a secret. It was more so due to Keonhee's father always disapproving of the guard or any relationship between them and then after everything happened with them leaving the Seraphic was never a big conversational piece.

"Yes, we can, I hated keeping it a secret." Seoho answered before closing the passenger door only to round the car before slipping into the driver's seat continuing his soft words. "Which speaking of the others, would you like for us to start our search for them tomorrow?"

Keonhee nodded slightly in content settling back against the seat of the car as the older started us the engine. He felt like his world, his life was whole for the first time in a long time. All those feeling being caused and eased by the person sitting next to him, the soulmate he thought he'd never see again.

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