Chapter One (Edited)

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Kings didn't just rule over their kingdoms, they protected them. They hid the horror-stricken truth from their people, hiding them from the nasty nightmares beyond their walls and the horrid creatures that haunted the night. King Valter ruled over a small kingdom known as Seraphic, tried everything within his willpower to keep his people alive and their ears closed off to the screaming hordes of Shade that scrapped at the wall on cold nights.

"Why won't he let me go with him?!?" The second prince to the throne, Hwanwoong who slouched in his seat, whined out. A small pout caressed his soft lips and arms sat folded over his chest as he vented. What this man didn't know was that the King, his father, didn't just protect his people but his youngest son, Hwanwoong, from the night terrors beyond.

The youngest prince wasn't the favorite by any means, but he was deemed too soft hearted to face the monsters beyond. So unknown to him, Hwanwoong was kept in the dark. He knew nothing of the terrifying creatures that lay beyond the wall and threatened his home. He didn't know what was spoken behind closed doors, the meetings his father held with his personal guard, Ravn, and elder brother, Elliot. It was the very secrets that were withheld from him, protected by Ravn, that deemed it worthy of the prince's arrogance.

"I'm twenty-five, I'm old enough to go to these damned meetings of his. I may not be the first in line for the crown, but I should still be able to go! So, why is it that he doesn't trust me enough to let me?"

The man's personal guard and the highest rank of all the royal guards, Ravn, chuckled shaking his head softly. "I'm sure he does, and you'll get to eventually. Besides, would you even attend or want to go? Knowing you, you're just saying that you want to be there because he won't let you."

The prince pouted, making Ravn laugh softly as the younger tried his best to protest. He knew the statement was the truth, but that didn't mean he had to like it. "I'm not just saying that. I really do want to go to one of these meetings of his."

"I'm sure His Majesty has his reasons for not having you attend. Most likely it has something to do with the fact that he still looks at you as if you're still his precious and naïve youngest child."

Hwanwoong scoffed, trying not to roll his eyes as he huffed out a sigh. They both knew that was a lie, but it didn't stop the small jest. "Keonhee doesn't even have to attend with being the middle child but he does. Besides, you're my guard and you get to go, don't you?"

"I do, but that's just so I can do my job in keeping you safe, my Prince." Ravn returned with a quick smile making Hwanwoong cringe slightly.

"Don't call me that; you know I hate it when you call me that." He found a new thing to whine about just like the guard wanted. "Anybody but you."

Ravn smiled slightly, looking away from the other and out the window. He looked down at the vast palace grounds as he let his mind wonder, for a moment, before finally speaking. "I'm sorry; I'm just too used to having to call you that when I'm in front of your family or other guards."

The prince giggled slightly, like he actually giggled, jumping to his feet needing to get away from the topic. He was always a blushing mess when the older used anything other than his name. He knew, with Ravn, it was sincere and not just in his job description. "I want to go walk in the garden."

Ravn turned toward the shorter with a soft smile as he nodded. "Let's go, little field mouse."

Blushing under the words yet again, the young man skipped away from his guard traveling the sun-soaked halls of the large, windowed palace. The vast halls lay barren aside from the banners that held their kingdom's colors: a soft carnation pink and a deep navy, both accented with gold. The large picture windows didn't even hold a set of curtains, though the prince's elder brother had tried pushing for it one year. He had liked the more feminie things, their eldest brother often calling Keonhee princess out of 'love'. He got denied by their mother who told them that he was being silly.

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