Part Two: Chapter Thirty Nine

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The next morning the house was in disarray as the group went over their plan once more, a certain witch had been called in a few hours prior to the meeting to Ravn's dislike but if he was honest, he really needed her if their plan was going to work out. Even the meeting just the two of them had two weeks ago made it evident that this was the way they needed to go.

"Can you do it or not?" Ravn growled out.


"Don't give me any buts, I need to know if this is going to be possible or not." The man interrupted his mother staring her down with a distasteful look.

"It will." She answered.

So why was it now that everything went wrong, Hwanwoong didn't remember much of how they had gotten to where they stood now or how they had ended up in this little predicament. Everything was going surprisingly smooth when out of nowhere they were all surrounded by demons. They had just made it down into the hidden lower vault, the room widely open aside from a little podium that sat in the middle of the room.

White walls made the underground room feel two times larger than it already was yet how was it that they didn't see the demon's dressed in all black? How was it that the blueprints they got were so wrong? There was supposed to be two rooms and a giant hallway yet looking at their surroundings there wasn't a door anywhere else aside from the one behind them that they had just come through. And there were no walls for the demon's to hind behind nor where there any other place for them to hide, not a single piece of decoration adorning the room other than the podium that sat under an amber spot light.

"She fucking screwed us again..." Leedo growled loosely looking around.

"Once we get out of this, I'm killing her the moment I see her." Ravn raged. "I'll make it as painful as possible before I dismember her bit by bit, maybe start with her head and let her watch me as I rip the rest of her apart. I think I know a spell to keep her alive that long too."

"If...if we get out of this alive...." Keonhee added to Ravn's raging torture plans.

The group was silent standing back-to-back with one another, a circle of protection leaving no one's back exposed and vulnerable to their enemies.

"Now what?" Seoho mumbled cocking his head to the side as he watched one of the demons move around him. "Our whole plan is shot to hell."

"Fuck." Ravn growled looking around to see that the room was at a stalemate, no one moving expect for their eyes that darted around from person to person.

A thick laugh, eerie and shrill sending shivers down the back of the six men. They had heard that laughter once before, and for each man it brought a different memory to mind. For Hwanwoong, he found himself gripping tight to his demon king scared of losing the man once more.

"Ah if it isn't the Daemonium rats." The should be dead, Apollyon High King, merged into view from behind one of his demon lackeys.

"You're supposed to be dead." Ravn growled out in shock staring the man down, each boy that wasn't facing the newcomer turned their heads to see.

"Oh, I was but thanks to your darling mother killing off my entire family one by one, I made a deal with another more powerful witch." He grinned showing off one of his pointed canines. "The witch I meet helped me bring my beloved Sannie back to like and helped create a spell that would void your mother's so that I could have fun killing all of you in front of her very eyes."

"That's how we got our memory back..." Hwanwoong whispered processing everything that had been laid out for them.

"Right you are." Wooyoung laughed. "Now prepare to die."

How the hell did things get so bad? They had planned for every possible outcome but to have Wooyoung still alive and wanting to kill them? That was never planned...they never saw it coming.

Ravn stood glaring at the once high king, stopping the man from pulling a gun on his family as he growled out. "The hell did we ever do to you because last time I checked we had formed a truce."

Wooyoung gave a thick bitter laugh throwing his head back in the motion. "You nearly took out my entire kingdom in your personal vendetta when Hwan died. Forgive us for killing the love of your life but that stupid kingdom of his needed to be wiped clean. That damn king ruined a lot of lives!" He throughout his arms in anger. "Do you realize how many of my demons came from that hell hole? And if that stupid truce we made would have actually survived after your mother's betrayal it still would have been that same with her debt. Though right now the only thing that I care about now is the fact that I lost my family because of that stupid witch bitch killing us off one by one only to bring your memories back!"

"And what if we made a new truce, huh?" Ravn growled out hoping that would pique the former king's interest. "What would you say then?"

And pique an interest, it did. "I'm listening but don't expect me to accept."

"What are you doing?!" Leedo whispered yelled at the other.

"Shut up and let this play out." Ravn growled lowly back toward the other before turning to Wooyoung and continuing. "What I mean by a new truce is what if you give back our rings and then help me kill my mother. Once she's dead we'll leave you be and let your new witch bring back the rest of your family."

"I'm not opposed to that though how do I know you're someone I can trust." Wooyoung glared at the other. "Your mother has already lost my trust once so how do I know you're not just like her?"

"Because he's nothing like her." Hwanwoong interrupted. "Do you really think he would risk the lives of his own family, something he's fought to protect for as long as I've known him. Not just in this life by also the one I lived as Hwan as well."

"Exactly why I should trust him." Wooyoung answered. "Knowing myself I'd end you all in a heartbeat to keep my family safe and with that said I won't take you up on that offer. I need and want my own family safe just like you do."

As if everything was moving in slowly motion, they watched as the demons around them pulled guns on them, Wooyoung grinning as he watched the Daemonium king's flinch. Ravn and the other's panicked, they hadn't prepared for this at all...not one bit....

Laughing Wooyoung ordered the guns to fire...

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