Chapter Eleven (Edited)

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No cries filled the air upon delivery, Hwan sitting up through the pain that reaped his body. His heavy eyes shot around the room until he met Sybil, he so badly wanted to sleep...but why weren't the babies crying.

"What happened?" He panicked, eyes searching for the newborns and only finding the bundles that lay in an open basket crib. "Why aren't the babies crying? Are they alright?"

The women shook her head cradling one of the swaddled babies tightly to her chest. "They're not...we knew this could happen. It was a miracle just to have conceived one yet alone twins. They...they didn't make it."

"Give me my babies!" Hwan suddenly screamed at the women. She was lying to him; his children couldn't be dead! "Give me my kids!"

And she did, walking to lay the stillborns into the man's arms, one in each arm. She watched as he leaned against the pillows that had supported him during the birth, cradling the children to him. The sound of her son-in-law's sobs brought the tears, the witch held back to rain.

"My poor baby boys." Hwan gasped softly through his many sobs. The fatigue pulled at his body willing him to sleep but he fought against every ounce. "I'm so sorry I couldn't deliver you both to be a healthy strong babies." Another sob, this one louder than the last, the crowned prince's body shaking. "Oh, Ravn would have loved you."

As the sobs filled the air, the prince and witch were both unaware of the tiny imp flying to grab the witch's grimoire. His clawed hands lifted the large leather-bound book from its stand, almost falling to the ground from its weight. It took him a moment to regain his flight before bringing the book over to his master.

"What is it, Sol?" Sybil sniffed taking the book from the familiar.

Sol just perched on her shoulder expectantly urging her to open the book. When she didn't do what he wanted, he jumped back off her shoulder doing it himself. Flying between her and the book he flipped it open in her hands, the witch letting him. It only took him a moment to find the two wanted spells before perching back on her shoulder with pride.

"Bring a newborn soul back to its body?" She whispered; the young prince unaware of her revelation as he cried over his son. She read the spell before looking to the second page. "Tying souls together...Sol you're brilliant. Hwan, I know how to save them!"

The sobs died into soft sniffs. "You do?"

"Sol found two spells that I think I can manipulate together." She told him in a soft cry before reading over the content of both spells. "Sol, I need these ingredients. Bat Drool, Frog venom, and Lion whiskers should all be on the same shelf with one another. Moon rock, flower petals and red string, I can get."

She was still reading over the spells and the imp flew off to get the items, her voice carrying to him. "I have the black flame candles, yes. Ah, Sol, I need raven feathers! Calcifer's shed ones will do."

Sybil was finally in action, moving to set the spell book on the edge of the bed before going in search of her portable alter she had specifically made just for times like this. Once she had found the altar, she brought it into the room only to place it before the bed. Hwan watching in awe as she grabbed the ingredients, she told Sol she'd get them before adding them to a bowl she placed on the alter.

"What kind of spell is this?" The prince whispered softly holding his son and daughter to him.

"I'm forcing their souls to reincarnate into their body. Then I'm tying both your souls to one another to keep him grounded."

"But what will happen to them when the nightshade finally claims my life?" It was a logical question that the younger needed answers to before he let the witch preform her spell.

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