Part Two: Chapter Forty Three

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Hours had gone by and then it had been days, it had nearly hit a week and Wooyoung had found himself pacing the length of his bedroom in thought. When were his brothers going to come back to him? To come back to life? At one point while waiting he had stressed out his own lover just by his pacing alone and that wasn't even adding in what San was already stressing about. Making his other half anxious wasn't his intentions but when San walked over to Wooyoung stopping him in his tracks, all worried seemed to fade right then and there.

"Baby everything will be fine, I promise." San whispered peppering kisses over Wooyoung's face and running his fingers to smooth down the man's stress lines. "They'll wake up."

"I's just taking too long...I..."

"Boss!" One of the lackeys ran into the room out of breath doubling over to catch his breath. "They're all awake!!"

"What?" Wooyoung took a minute to process what had just been said looking over at San to see if he had heard the same thing and seeing the shock over the other's face, he realized they both heard those stirring words and he wasn't hearing things. "Awake?"

The lackey nodded finally standing and speaking evenly. "Yes, they are and they're asking for both you and San."

San gave a little happy laugh grabbing his husband's hand and nearly yanking him out of the room toward their friends, the two stopping short to see their six brothers sitting up and looking around the feign area.

"Finally, you guys are awake." Wooyoung breathed out.

One of the boys looked over toward him in shock. "The hell is going on? Last time I checked I died..."

"About that..." Wooyoung chuckled rubbing the back of his neck.

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